Friday, May 7, 2010

IS KFC On Plan? My Vote: Weight Loss: Yes/Nurtrition: NO!

Hello All!

Yesterday I knew I had a potential "indulgence" in the works. I didn't end up doing what I thought I would be doing but I indulged nonetheless.

Once my original plans fell through I thought...GREAT! I can be healthy tonight!

It didn't happen.

I showed a wonderful client of mine a property in the afternoon and she told me that she had baked some cookies and was going to bring me some but she had been reading my blog and thought she shouldn't, to which I responded..."really?...well... I could have had one or two.". When I dropped her off she was sweet enough to give me three of her cookies. I promised to give one to Jamie and only eat two...but of course after the first bite I ate all three. Sorry Jamie :-).

My exciting evening plans were to go out and help a client of mine, that I just sold a condo to, install a ceiling light fixture and see if I could fix her oven door (hey...I can be butch sometimes!!!).

After accomplishing this ( took about an hour longer than it would have taken a straight man) it was time for dinner.

Before going Jamie had asked me if I could bring home KFC because there was one across the street from the condo I was at.

I agreed but as I was driving to the condo I thought...well...I will pick up KFC for him and stop at Swiss Chalet on my way home and get chicken and salad for me. If I took the skin off the chicken it would still be a really healthy choice from a weight loss perspective.

By the time I was done two things happened.

1) I was really hungry and rational was starting to go out the window.
2) Jamie called to say he was visiting our neighbour Alix next door and her friend Nicole. Could I pick up KFC for all of us?

It was really easy to justify skipping Swiss Chalet because it only made sense to buy the Family Meal if I was getting food for four right?

That is exactly what I did...complete with Fries, Gravy, Macaroni Salad, and Coleslaw (that artificially green kind that you know isn't real food but tastes delicious)!

We had a wonderful meal sitting in the middle of Alix's kitchen floor. For some reason the table just seemed too formal for KFC :-)

I watched and talked as Alix had ONE piece of Chicken and Nicole had two. They ate nothing else. Jamie and I had more (I got a 15 piece bucket). I have NEVER been good with "moderation".

Anyway, after the Cookies and KFC, one would think I would be distraught about my choices, but I am actually still feeling good.

From a weight loss perspective I think it is totally fine. I just can't "indulge" much more this week.

From a Nutrition and Health perspective, however, I probably ate a bunch of food that my body doesn't even know HOW to process. That DOES bother me and makes me think twice about my choices.

At the end of the day I think it will be my understanding of how processed foods can destroy my body that will stop the "fast food" journeys. It is unlikely to be the desire to be thin. Wanting to be thin and having the willpower in times of hunger are completely different things. I can rationalize eating bad at almost anytime, but I can't rationalize eating food of poor quality.

Live, Learn and be heatlhy!



Karen said...

KFC - not on my plan either, but we too enjoyed it last night. The only one in our family that has more problems then I do turning down those types of 'should not have' is my shih tzu Chen. Today is his yearly trip to the vet and weigh in day. Like you we do try and stay on the healthy food train, and I do hope that a little spoiling (it is hard to resist those pleading eyes)have not upped his weight this past year.

Reading and following your blog is helping me to make better choices for myself, and to try and stick with drinking plenty of water at night and not heading to the 'Treat' cupboard.

Unknown said...

I'm really glad to hear it Karen and will keep my fingers crossed for you Chih Tzu's weigh-in! If he has gained weight maybe he can come to Weight Watchers with me?! LOL

Thanks for the positive feedback on the blog. Comments keep me motivated too! I am really bad with my water. I have a filtered water system right beside my desk so I will drink frequntety. I can literally touch it from where I am typing without extending my arm fully but I can't remember the last time I actually used it.

Thanks to you I am re-motivated to get my water in! Going to have a glass right now.

Have a GREAT day!
