Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Those Three Special Words We Long To Hear

Don't you long to hear those words? The ones that make you feel warm inside and extra special. I heard them the other day. I went to meet a client I hadn't seen in a year and as soon as I saw her she made my heart melt when those beautiful words were uttered from her lips:

"You've Lost Weight!"

I think those are the most precious words in the english language. They made me feel good for the entire day.

Seriously though, I do feel great. The tummy has disappeared to the point where it is hardly visible under the summer clothes and the muscles are building up. It is an absolutely AWESOME feeling.

When I lost the 50 pounds the last time around (I have done it several times) I went out and bought really nice (and expensive) summer clothes because I deserved it.

Although my weight has been up and down over the past 4 years it has never been down in the summer, so this is the first summer in a long time I can fit in the clothes I like.

Actually, last summer I think I was the same weight as I am now, but working out has meant that it is proportioned better over the body so everything fits. As my friends in the UK would say. Brilliant!

Yesterday was a day of "strength" for me. More important than what I had (although I did stay on track) it is what I didn't have that is really important. We were soooooo close to having dinner at our favourite burger and fries place last night but we resisted, and then we visited our neighbours and they offered us ice cream but I declined.

Feeling very proud of myself at the moment and ready to begin another GREAT day :-)

Be healthy!



Quade said...

Arrangement is very important. Chicks are lucky that way -we've got bras and pantyhose and big gramma undies with control top whatsis to manoever it all around and hold it there.

Unknown said...

I know a couple of guys who have all that too! LOL