Thursday, May 20, 2010

Success! Support! Success!

I made it! I finally crossed the line and was under 200 pounds at my weigh-in last night! I was down 2.0 pounds which puts me at 198.4 pounds. Yeah!!!!!

I admit I switched to light summer clothes (including shorts) but the scale said I'm down and I am taking it!

I was going to call today's blog "Success! Success! Success!" but my Weight Watchers leader, the amazing Cindy, started the meeting by asking the group if anyone made use of support this week. Guess who had their hand up first!

Did I have support? I had support of bloggers, I had support of my spouse, I had support of "private emailers" who read the blog, I had the support of my nutritionist/training bud Anthony,and I had support from my Weight Watchers group. In short, I had support coming out my Yin Yang! Thank you all so much!

When I got home Jamie asked me how I did, and when I told him I lost 2 pounds his response was "Did you talk too much?". You see...he knows me...and I can embarrass him. If my fellow Weight Watchers pay attention they will notice that when I am losing weight you can't shut me up in the meeting...but I am surprisingly quiet when it goes the other way. So when I lose weight he thinks of me yapping my head off and gets embarrassed even though he is not even there! LOL

I don't mind embarrassing myself. As I have said before...I am my mother's kinda goes with the territory.

So what is the plan for this week? It is called "doing the plan". I haven't been very good at "tracking" which we are supposed to do so I am going to track this week. If I can figure out how, I will post my tracking diary with my daily blog for the next 7 days.

I already know Friday and Saturday night will be rough but hopefully I can keep all in balance. So we come!

Be healthy!


P.S. I am REALLY excited this morning. A very good friend of mine told me she is joining me on the road to health. I am so very proud of her and excited for her. We can do it together!


Karen said...

CONGRATS I knew you could do it, and I am glad the 'lighter' clothes may have helped. You can only use that trick once because going commando to your Weight Watchers meeting is a NO NO.
Tell Jamie that as long as words are coming out of your mouth, food is not going in.
Long weekends and good friends can be a bad combination, but by planning ahead you will be able to make healthy choices. I am not too sure if this is still one of the WW tools, but it is one that has stuck with me since my first meeting years ago - when eating, always put the fork, spoon or what type of utensil you are using to eat down between bites. If you do this you take longer to eat, tend to enjoy what you are eating more(because you are not shovelling the food in your mouth) and you brain has time to get the signal from your stomach that you are starting to fill up, oh and use a smaller plate - that way it looks like you have more food (another visualization).

Unknown said...

We can't go Commando? Damn! That was next weeks plan!!!! LOL

Yes that is still one of Weight Watchers tools...pretty much anything that slows down eating is a WW tool I think. I would hazard to guess that the bulk of us (no pun intended) are fast eaters. That is one of the things that frustrates me. I eat something because I crave it and then afterward I realize I didn't even take the time to taste it. I just guzzled it down.

So slow and steady with food and fast and heavy with exercise (for me anyway...but if you are reading this blog BUILD your exercise routine a day at a time. Too much too soon is not healthy! :-)

cdp said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Alan,
No, you can't go "commando" but in the older days with the big scales you got weighed in a private cubicle and I was not the only one who would strip off jeans & sweaters in the winter to weigh in wearing only bike shorts and tank top! Congrats on breaking your 200 and getting into "One-derland"
See you Wednesday!

Unknown said...

One-derland. I like that! I will try and stay forever...I am sure my partner would say I never left! LOL.

If you ever go to the Friday morning meeting there is a lady there who strips down as low as she can go in public. I wouldn't tell on her but she is a sweetheart I love dearly and I know wouldn't mind me telling tales out of school :-)