Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Weigh-In Day Arrives Again...But Sometimes Friends Are THE Most Important Thing.

Yesterday was a sad day. Our dear friends Diane and Maurizio stayed over at our place the night before last but within minutes of leaving our home yesterday Diane found out that her Father had passed away in South Africa. We had the pleasure of meeting Diane's parents when they stayed at our B&B a few years ago. They were both wonderful people and her father will truly will be missed. Diane & Maurizio...please know our thoughts are with you....we love you!

In terms of the weight loss journey, the thoughts for the day are the following:

It is weigh-in day once again. How did it get here so fast?!

I am usually the type of person who stands on the scale at least twice a day "just to check". Can you say "obsession"? Supposedly this is a bad thing to do, but I have never really found that it stresses me out to much.

For some reason, though, since I started this blog I just stopped weighing myself at home. I'm not sure I like it.

In the past I have always known how I did BEFORE I went for my official "weigh-in". Now I have no idea. It is kind of weird.

I ate really well yesterday and if I manage to do the same today then hopefully all will be good!

Today is one of those "danger days" though where I have to study for a test. I always eat when I study so this is going to be a REAL test for me.

I either cave, and eat while studying, which means the weigh-in is totally shot and I will have my tail between my legs tomorrow, or I bear down and study without food (at least without JUNK food). GOD I HOPE IT IS THE LATTER!

I really HAVE to study though. I have so much to learn and this test is not going to be easy.

I was originally supposed to go out of town today and studying while away would have been real hard so I guess I have the benefit of being "home" on my side.

Wish me lucky healthy!


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