Sunday, May 23, 2010

Uh oh...forgot it's a long weekend...actually I forgot a lot!

Do you ever think your getting old? Well this weekend the signs are showing up. I rarely (if ever) forget anything work related and Friday I ALMOST missed meeting a client, and in yesterday's blog I was talking about a big party I was going to last night. The only problem is the party wasn't last night. It's tonight!

At first I thought...that is kind of odd to have a party on a Sunday Night....and then it hit me. It's a long weekend! God Bless Queen Victoria.

It's not that I didn't know it was along weekend. My friend Cara and I emailed about it Friday night. 

I just didn't think about what that really meant. Yes it means an "extra day" but it also means an extra day of challenges with food. After all, long weekends were meant to have fun and socialize, and I don't intend to give any of that up.

 So I did end up having dinner with friends last night, and 4 low cal beers, but it was a fun night. In Weight Watcher's terms  I was 11 points over my daily allowance at the end of the day but that is cool.

It means two things:

1) I need to pump up my exercise (I took a healthy day off from exercise yesterday).
2) I can't have "quite" as carefree a time food-wise at tonight's party as I had originally planned. I can still indulge a bit though.

In addition to my normal 32 point allowance for today, I still have 30 weekly points (after combining my weekly allowance and my activiy points earned and not yet used).

I also have 4 more days before weigh-in and I will exercise each day to make sure things stay "in balance" and I gain some additional activity points.

Today is going to be a killer exercise day for me. I'm actually a little scared. This morning will be a normal weight lifting work-out at the gym (heading there in five minutes) but 5pm tonight will be a killer. My friend Anthony invited me over to his place at 5pm. He and some friends are going to do "Kettle Bell" work-outs on the lawn. He has kettle bells ranging from 50 to 100 pounds and they are going to be doing tons of different execises.

The problem is Anthony's friends tend to be big muscle boys. I am going to look like the guy who gets sand kicked in his face at the beach! LOL

It is going to be real tough but I am excited about doing it. It is a real challenge.

Getting back to my original question. Do I feel old?

Hell NO!

I actually feel 20 years younger than I did ten years ago. I am fitting into my summer clothes and I can once again cut my toe nails without panting for breath after bending over.

I am 28 again and no one is going to convince me differently :-).

Daily tracker is attached

Be healthy!


cdp said...

This is so brilliant - the challenges that are there every day and still you manage to overcome them (even if it is by chopping and saving and then over-spending) makes me realise that it is do-able. Finally have gotten into the swing of the tracking, after thinking that Sundays are so challenging (only day off - cause for celebration etc etc) I actually started the day with a raspberry protein shake which genuinely kept me full till a late lunch :-). I'm a happy bunny today!

Unknown said...

Hey CPD!

The program is ABSOLUTELY doable!

Sometimes the "points" thing can actually be kind of fun...kind of like a game one plays with oneself :-)

Sounds like you started your day on an amazing note and you should be a happy bunny!

Points are there to be played with within the rules. You can get more by exercising and spread those and your weekly points throughout the week.

The only thing I would caution is that you shouldn't play with your minimum daily points. Eat those EVERY day, and if you find that you went way off track one day, don't reduce your minimum daily points the next day. Doing that is a recipe for disaster. You only end up making yourself hungry AND dropping your metabolism. So ALWAYS try to eat your minimum daily points.

I don't think WW introduces activity points the first week..but don't will be coming soon :-)