Sunday, May 9, 2010

Still Sick...Bummer Man

Morning All. Going to be a short blog today cause I feel like crap.

Right now there is ZERO doubt in my mind that my weight will be down Wednesday. There is nothing left in me LOL.

That is...unless I feel better BEFORE Wednesday.

The real real risk is when I start to feel better. Man am I going to need your support then.

I know the cycle. I get sick...don't want to eat, lose weight, start to feel better, suddenly get uncontrollably everything in site.

When I start blogging that I am feeling better PLEASE get on my case about eating healthy. DON'T LET ME FOLLOW MY USUAL PATTERN! It is the road to hell! :-)

Anyway...this has to be s short one as it is still a "work day" for me, and getting everything done is taking just a little bit longer.

Have a great day everyone healthy!



Karen said...

Hope both you and Jamie start to feel well soon. I have had a terrible cold for 2 1/2 weeks now, so I know how the 'not feeling like eating' is. If you are looking for the 3+ lbs. you lost last week, well Chen found it. We are now able to get out for his long walks, and that should help both of us. Remember to get lots of fluids into you, and I will be keeping an eye, and trying to encourage you once your appetite returns. I am an old 'weight watchers' person myself (back in the late 70's), and yes having supporters does help.
Oh for all out there that may be following Alan's blog 'Happy Mothers Day'

Anthony said...

Ya man- I would say load up now on veggies that you like (for me, it's kale, okra, lemons and asparagus)- ya being a nutrition dude, I know lemons are a fruit . .

AND ya avocados. And get some tahini so you can make a delicious sauce for them.

EAT AND APPLE before a meal, especially dinner.

Keep the weight loss momentum going dude- think SUMMER is practically here, as in take your shirt off kind of weather.

PS get better- and I like all the advice Karen had- nice.

Anthony said...

umm, I meant AN APPLE before meals, as well as a nice glass of herb tea or water.

Unknown said...

You two are the best! Jamie and I went to a dinner tonight at some very good friends of ours we call our "parents". Food was good but we didn't stay long as neither one of us was feeling great. We are glad we went to see them on Mother's Day though.

I will indeed stay on the veggies and (Lemon/Avacado) and drink lots of water.

Today I wasn't really hungry but I nibbled...and nibbling on stupid things adds up to "junk" even if you didn't intend it". So tomorrow is veggie,fruit and water day!

Thanks for the encouragement!