Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When Time Overwhelms You

I am sitting in my Anatomy and Physiology class as I type this. It is "pre-class" time and the budding nutritionists who have arrived early are discussing how they can't wait for this program to be over so they can eat healthy again.

It seems that even nutritionists struggle with time vs health.

I know I struggle with it.

Today for instance I will be finished my class at 2pm, will be working out at 2:40pm (I have to do this because I have been sick and haven't worked out for a week...for me that can be disaster), have an appointment with a Real Estate Client at 5:15, another one at 6:30 and the third one at 7:30. By the time I get home today it will be 8:30 tonight.

Have I prepared for this? Of course not! That would involve planning and of course, time.

So...I will make the best choices I can. At least the Nutrition Program offers Organic Soup at lunch time so that will be taken care of. What will I do for dinner? We will see...but I vow right now to make a healthy choice.

The funny thing is that it really doesn't take THAT long to plan ahead. You just have to actually do it!

I have found that when I do prepare meals ahead I make too much and end up with several batches in the freezer for use another day.

Once I managed to find a day to prepare a few dishes and actally ended up with enough food portion-wise to feed myself for a couple of weeks.

I think it is a matter of deciding how important it is to you. Most of us will say it is, and then we put it on the bottom of the list.

Guess what? When we do that it doesn't happen!

So I think it is time to accept the facts. Yes it does take time, yes it is important, and NO there is no excuse for not doing it.

If something has to give it HAS to be something else.

I just hope I listen to my own words in the future.

Be healthy everyone!


P.S, Yesterday was a great and healthy day!

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