Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reflecting on 31 Days of Blogging

Yesterday I wrote my 31st blog. That's an entire month!

I think at this point it makes sense to reflect on the last month and see what I have learned and determine if it makes to continue.

When I reflect on the past month and ask myself the question: Did I really learn that much that was new? I have to be honest and say the answer it no.

Let's face it, most of us who have struggled with weight issues have been struggling for a very long time. There simply isn't that much "new" to learn.

So does it make sense to continue? I think the answer is yes (with apologies to those who are getting sick of seeing this blog).

The reasons are many:

1) Writing this blog for 31 days has kept me aware of what I am putting in my mouth for 31 days. It hasn't kept me perfect, but it has kept me aware.
2) Sometimes being reminded of what you already know is just as important as learning something new. Documenting the things I know already has kept "awareness" at the forefront and that helps a lot.
3) It is really cool to see posts of encouragement from people directly on this blog, on facebook, and through private emails.
4) I am truly touched by people telling me that this blog is encouraging them. If that is the case then the time it takes is most definitely worthwhile.

Although I have yet to receive a complaint about this being annoying (Todd...I know you are going to be tempted to complain now) if the repetitive facebook posts out there are driving anyone nuts please know it is easy to state on facebook that you don't wish to see my posts. I won't be offended in the least :-). This is intended to help me, and those out there struggling like me, but that may not be YOU and that is totally cool.

So I am happy to say the blog will continue :-)

After my earlier blog confessing my trip to McDonalds, I promised my friend that I would perform two days of "penance" meaning fresh fruits and vegetables, and "clean protein" only for two days. Those two days begin right now.

Wish me luck, and be healthy!



Karen said...

Please keep your blog going, I know that I do enjoy reading it everyday. It is nice to know that you are not alone in trying to reach your goal, and yes it is keeping me on the road to healthy eating. For those that may not like reading or contributing to your blog they don't have to follow it.

Unknown said...

Really Glad to hear that Karen. You keep me motivated too. Apparently even my buddy Todd likes the blog :-)