Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Only Thing That Really Works Is Believing In Yourself

Well... I had my final hypnotism appointment yesterday. I really wish I could say I believe in it, and I really thought it might make a difference, but for me, anyway, I just don't believe it worked. It helped me stay aware, but no more than this blog does.

For the most part it was nice just to "stop the world" for an hour and lie back on a reclining chair.

At the end of the day, I guess I have come to the conclusion that no one, no matter how skilled, can make you succeed. All the support in the world is at your finger tips but YOU have to want it and YOU have to believe you can do it. That comes from inside...not from a hypnotist.

I almost feel bad saying that though as I quite liked my hypnotist and I believe that she believes in her craft. Who knows...maybe it does work for some...or maybe it worked for me and I just don't know it.

Today was, perhaps not nutritious, but was successful from a weight loss perspective...given the circumstances I ended up in.

I had a good breakfast, and had planned to make a really healthy lunch, but at 10:30AM I realized the appointment I thought I had at 12:00 was actually at 11:00. OOPS! I raced out the door with lunch preparation plans out the window. After my 11:00 I didn't have time to go back home before my 1:15 appointment so I found myself in a food court.

Yes...I know...there is salad there...but I was HUNGRY and salad wasn't going to cut it. I remembered that a Harvey's Angus Burger is HUGE and is 9 points in "weight watchers lingo" so I had that and it did the trick.

Only problem was I forgot we were also having BBQ'd burgers for dinner. I picked up a frozen turkey burger for myself on the way home. I threw that on the BBQ and managed to fit the entire day into "plan". 

It was Friday night and we were with company so I had 4 beers but I had the Canadian 67 Calorie beers.

I am allowed 32 points a day, plus I had 3 activity points I earned at the gym this morning and I ate and drank my way through 35 points which balances out perfect!

Tonight is a party at a friends, and I don't particularly want to watch what I eat TOO much. I still have my 35 extra weekly points to work with, plus 6 outstanding "activity points" and I also have the points I would use for dinner tomorrow anyway so all should work out great from a Weight Watchers perspective.

At least that is the plan. Tracker for yesterday is posted below

Be healthy!



Karen said...

Not sure what happened - but my comment I left yesterday did not post and I just now noticed. Glad you had a good Friday nite and I hope that you also had a good time last nite.
You are correct that you must believe in yourself - and only you can make a difference - but - having a support group does help. Those within your support group will understand what and why you are trying to be healthier and wiil do their best to not tempt you too much.

Unknown said...

Hey Karen

I am REALLY glad you reposted your comment.

Last night when I reviewed the post I had written yesterday I realized that it might have sounded like support wasn't critical as long as you believe in yourself.

That is the opposite of what I intended to relay. Support is one of the most critical factors in my journey. I don't know if I could do it without support.

I think though, that in order to accept and embrace the support available to you, you first have to believe in yourself. That doesn't mean there won't be times when you doubt yourself...we all do...that is when our support group helps us to re-establish that critical belief in ourself.

I don't know if that makes more sense or if it makes it more confusing...but there you have it :-)