Friday, May 28, 2010

High School Reunion Today - So Why Did I F**K IT UP!

Today is the day I have to face the friends from High School. The ones I loved, the ones I hated, and the bullies who made everyone's life hell.

I will also be facing the ones who looked like a million bucks back then and part of me is secretly hoping they look like a truck ran over them now.

It's a day you want to look your best right?

So why the hell did I do it? One day before going I had a MAJOR melt down.

The day started out good but then I went to the Eaton Centre to shop. Apparently it was food I wanted to shop for.

I had:

1) A Large Dairy Queen Turtle Sunday
2) A Big Mac Combo (I am used to automatically saying "No" when they ask if I want to "biggie" size it but they tricked me. The girl just said "that's with a large fries right?". In a moment of "non-thinking" I thought..."that's the way it always comes isn't it?" and I was stupid enough to say "YES".
3) A large coke even though I already had one with the combo mentioned above.

Three hours later I had Chicken and Shrimp Pad Thai and a Beer.

The whole time I was telling myself "I still have six days until weigh-in". I can lie on my blog tomorrow and no one will know.

The problem is lying defeats the purpose.

So there it is. Out in the Open.

I am in a race for time now so will figure out someway to track it later, but disaster is disaster is disaster.

I am out of the city today. Have an appointment to take my car in for repair in Hamilton (near where the reunion is) at 8:00AM because I hate BMW Toronto. I will then spend the day in Hamilton (and will definitely find a gym), go to the reunion tonight, and come back to Toronto tomorrow morning.

That means only food "out" for the next 24 hours.

My blog may be later in the day tomorrow depending on when I get back.

I want to do my best but still want to be able able to have fun tonight. Also have a house party tomorrow night for a friend's birthday. May the spirits help me!

In spite of it all I refuse to get myself down. I just have to buck up and stop the stupidity.

If nothing else it makes me aware that not eating enough for a couple of days definitely has its ramifications.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

And how did you feel after eating all that? Did you feel sick? As much I think I would give anything to have that Big Mac Combo, I know my stomach would not take it well I would pay dearly for it later.
Good for you to admit, and move on.
If you get lost on the way to Hamilton and can't find the dealership, are you going to go home and forget about it? NO.
So, find your way and continue on your journey, there are alwasy going to be bumps in the road and detours. The key is to learn from them and keep on going.
I know that you all ready know all of this and that you will do it. You'll work out like crazy this week to make up for it and all will be well. You've had great losses the last few weeks so don't sweat it.
Enjoy your reunion. You'll feel 17 all over again.

Unknown said...

Sorry it took so long to respond to this. Friday I was out of town and yesterday was insanely busy.

I wish that the food did make me feel sick. I have felt that feeling many times and it is a great wake up call. Unfortunately this time around that didn't happen :-(

The journey has taken some wrong turns, and as you say the key is to lear.

I am back on track today :-)