Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Universe Is Confusing Me!

I never thought the "coffee" scenario would raise so many questions.

People like my friend Kirstin swear her energy levels have drastically increased since getting off the caffeine while others question the necessity of getting off it at all.

If you have read my blog the last couple of days you will know I am flip flop flipping.

Monday I committed to stopping coffee immediately. Tuesday I said I was drinking it but committed (promised actually) to stop drinking it February 20th.

Then the universe had to have its say.

I got delivered a gift of a bag of coffee from a friend who brought it home from Costa Rica for me. Is this the universe's way of telling me to keep drinking it?

I stated on Facebook that this time around I was going to try to ignore the universe, but as my friend Sue pointed out, "Ignoring the universe is a bad thing".

My dilemma is that I do want to stop drinking coffee but I actually really believe that you have to listen to the universe. I know some will think that is a little insane and perhaps it is...but it is no more insane than the million other beliefs there are out there.

The last time I tried to defy the universe was with my Mediterranean cruise. I kept booking it and the universe kept cancelling it. It took me three attempts to finally get the message. I think few would argue that I was not meant to go on that cruise. So many friends told me they had a bad feeling and were so relieved when I finally decided three attempts was enough and I was not going.

So...for me...the question now becomes...what exactly IS the universe trying to tell me?

Clearly the message is "don't stop" (well...not might have just been a coincidental gift of a bag of coffee). If I listen to the universe I know I am doing yet ANOTHER flip flop...but I am going to listen to this.

It is not necessarily telling me that I shouldn't stop. Perhaps the message is just that I have enough to work on so stopping RIGHT NOW isn't a good idea.

Perhaps it is telling me to give moderation one more attempt.

So here is my NEW plan. I won't promise anything again because this is the third change in three days and soon I am going to be branded a liar. :-)

I am not going to stop drinking coffee YET. I am going to use this gift of coffee to try moderation one more time. So I am going to try drinking less coffee. If I haven't managed to get a handle on it by the time this gift of coffee is depleted, then I will stop. Unless of course the universe sends me another message.

So that my friends is the new plan.

Some of you have asked what the issue with coffee is anyway. I think there is good and bad but I found this article to be a relatively balanced review of the issue. The bottom line in my opinion is that excess of anything is not good. Points 16 and 17 in the link below are my greatest concern

Coffee Benefits and Risks

On another note I am still going strong with my fast. A little hungry but not too bad. Today is the last day. Food tomorrow! Yeah!!!!!

Be healthy!


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