Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Friends Good Times

Jamie and I spent the day with amazing friends yesterday (not the kind that I blogged about earlier in the week).

It was such a great way to spend Valentine's Day. They were staying at a hotel about 25 km from us so we went out to their hotel and had lunch with them, then spent the afternoon with them, and then had dinner dinner with them. It was an awesome way to spend the day.

I was not good on the food front though and am feeling bloated this morning.

Oh well...no regrets...the day was definitely worth the cost. Sometimes it is.

Tomorrow our friends are coming our way so it will be one more day of socializing with good people.

We are so lucky to have good people in our lives.

On the food front I think it is going to be "one day at a time" until Thursday but I am feeling good and I know that although the road may have some bends to enable the enjoyment of beautiful scenery, I am on the right road to health and I WILL get to my destination.

Be healthy!


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