Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Lunisolar New Year!

Today is yet a another day that allows for a new beginning.

If the start of the traditional "western" New Year didn't go so well for you then today is the day to start again. Today is the start of the Lunisolar New Year, and contrary to popular believe it is not just Chinese. Nor is it simply a Lunar New Year it is a Lunisolar New Year which also factors in "season". So you will be happy to know that this is also the start of spring.

What does a New Year represent? It represents a new beginning.

What does Spring represent? It represents a new beginning.

What is going to happen today? We are going to have a new beginning.

I know, that like me, it may be your 28,000's new beginning. That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is today.

Weight loss is easy right? I am sure I have lost at least seven thousand pounds over my lifetime. No problem!

The problem is I keep finding it again.

The key, I think, is to focus on your beliefs for strength. I don't care if you beliefs are in religion, or in the universe, or in your child that you want to live to see have Grandkids or Great Grandkids. Your belief can be in your stuffed bear if it works for you. Just believe in something and let it give you the strength for a new beginning.

I have decided, that for this Lunisolar New Year, which runs from today until January 22, 2012, my belief is going to be in my body.

My body is my temple. I am going to focus on that, it is going to give me strength and it is going to be the best year ever.

It is, after all, the year of the Rabbit and I am a Rabbit. I intend to take full advantage of every power that is on my side.

Be healthy!


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