Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are Plateaus real?

When someone stays the same weight forever and can't seem to drop any more pounds is it real?

I know it is real that they aren't dropping, but is it really real that they are doing everything they used to do or did they just get a little sloppy?

I know as time goes by the motivation to be as "good" as we once were subsides, and I know that I have plateaued before myself, but in my experience it really isn't "real".

When I plateau I may pretend I don't understand why I am losing weight but if I am honest with myself I know darn well why I am not losing weight...because I am not as careful as I used to be.

I have a perspective on this but it is a very sexist male perspective (although not negative to women) so I am hoping you can tell me if I am right or not.

The theory is supposed to be that there are two types of plateaus. Physical plateaus and emotional plateaus.

The physical ones are the real ones where your body temporarily stops responding and stays the same weight no matter what you do, and the emotional ones are the ones where you simply aren't doing whatever you used to do for whatever reason you may have.

Truthfully, I haven't met a man yet who truly gets physical plateaus. I am sure there are some out there who get them but I think for the most part if we eat right, and are honest about it, we lose weight.

Females on the other hand seem to get both. At least I hear woman talk about how they have been doing everything right but can't lose weight.

So tell me people. Am I right about this, or is the "physical plateau" really just an excuse for  inappropriate choices or sloppy portion control?

I really am curious as to what people think.

On the personal front I was down 2.8 pounds last night. I am not sure how to read it though. I couldn't get to WW for the prior two meetings so it is my first weigh-in in three weeks. On the one hand I know that I would have been up, probably three pounds last week which means I really lost 5.8 pounds. On the other hand, I fasted for three days (and I mean NO food) and had three colonics so it would be hard not to be down! Makes it all somewhat artificial.

We will have to see what next week brings.

I SURVIVED THE THREE DAY FAST! I am going to go eat now :-)

Be healthy!


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