Sunday, February 13, 2011


I went out drinking with friends last night. I had fun but I don't know how my friends can call what they had "fun".

I always thought I drank a lot but I realized last night that there is drinking and then there is Drinking and then there is DRINKING!

I tend to drink too much when I am with friends, although I really haven't drunk that much in 2011, and I was reasonable last night.

Generally though I would say I fit in the middle category. These friends fit in the DRINKING category.

Fortunately I can write a bit about this without risk as my friends are from out of town, don't read this blog, and don't know any of you.

I hate to say this about friends, but to be honest, it was kind of sad. We were at a place with an open bar and they just couldn't stop. They drank until they started publicly insulting their spouses (both wives and husbands did this) and then just started ranting about how miserable their life is.

The really sad thing is that I know they won't wake up today and feel bad about what they have said. It happens so frequently it is normal to them. They will say "wasn't that a wild night out?" Like it was the best time in the world.

Alcohol has become what they perceive as their only route to happiness.

They are still friends...they are not bad people...but just like before...they are friends in moderation.

It really enforces in me that excess of anything can kill you. It makes me think about my own alcohol intake too.

I hope they find another road to happiness. This one doesn't appear to be making them happy.

Last night really makes me appreciate all of you even more. I know that you are the positive influences in my life. I won't say that they aren't true friends like you are, but friends are supposed to be there for you when you need them. I know you would be. I am not so sure about these friends.

It is not that they wouldn't be if they could be, but if these friends aren't drunk when I need them, they will be soon after, and then their opinions full of daggers will come out.

They need help...but they will never get it.

Aren't we lucky we are here to help each other?

Be healthy,


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