Monday, February 28, 2011

Plan For The Past

Do you plan for the future? I don't.

The future can always change.

I can get hit by a car tomorrow and no matter how healthy I have might not matter.

I plan for the past. It is the one thing in our life that is unchangeable so we better do everything we can to get it right the first time....there are no second chances.

At the end of the day isn't the past all that matters? Don't we want to look back on our lives and say..."I had a good one"?

Isn't it the past that we really want to be "long and happy" when all is said and done?

There is really only one way to plan for the past and that is to do things right in the present.

Every second that you do not do "right" in the present adds to the past in a negative way.

Focusing on the present to create a great past is all that matters. Do what is right NOW and you will have a happy past. The future will take care of itself.

To quote the late, great, Tennessee Williams:

"The future becomes the present, the present the past, and the past turns into everlasting regret if you don't plan for it".

Be healthy!


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