Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Time For A Cleanse! Universe Be With Me.

I haven't done a cleanse for a long time.

No not the "shower" kind of cleanse (I do that daily) but the food kind of cleanse. Sometimes my cleanse is really a "fast" and sometimes it is a less severe approach where you are allowed raw fruits and vegetables.

I am going to see how it goes but starting today my plan is to do a real cleanse for a few days. No food other than some liquified beets, but lots of natural supplements to keep me going.

I know it is going to be a tough day. I am going to starve. I will probably starve tomorrow too, but then it will ease off. I have done it before so I know what to expect.

It has been quite a while it is time.

The scariest thing about this cleanse isn't the cleanse itself. The scariest thing is going off the coffee.

I have done it before and it involves two or three days of major withdrawal headaches.

I know the logical thing is to slowly reduce your coffee until you are off of it but I have tried that so many times. I just can't do it. Moderation has never been my strong point.

This is a light week for me work-wise and otherwise so it is the week to do it.

I just hope that if I go through all of this and I get off the coffee...I can stay off of it. If I don't...then what was the point of all the headaches? I won't take medicinal drugs either so no ibuprofen or anything like that. The body has to do its thing and if I take drugs to suppress this it kind of defeats the purpose of cleansing. So I will suffer.

I actually don't believe coffee is bad for you...the jury is still kind of out on that one...but excess of anything IS bad and I don't drink a little coffee...I drink a lot. is time to stop.

I am drinking a cup last cup. I'm scared.

Be healthy!


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