Friday, February 4, 2011

How Many "New Beginnings" Have You Had?

I feel like I am constantly saying " is a new beginning". Yesterday was a case in point.

I have been doing really well the past few days and am re-motivated but sometimes I think: "Am I ever going to get to the point where I not longer have to say that today I am starting again?".

After a while it starts to get a little "tired" and you start to wonder if you are nothing more than a broken record.

A friend of mine, however, made a really good point quite innocently yesterday. It changed my outlook on new beginnings.

She said that it is not the frequent "new beginnings" that you need to worry about. The time to worry is when you stop having new beginnings.

That really struck a chord with me. I realized that as long as I am having new beginnings my journey is continuing. When they likely means I have given up and lost the battle.

So here it to my friends brilliant words of wisdom, and here is to "new beginnings".

It is never too late to have them.

Be healthy!



Quade said...

This rings so true for me today...I'm eating poorly and not working out enough because I work very long and very taxing hours. My normal lifestyle that would take care of that - walking and cycling everywhere, eating high protein veggie products - is sacrificed to the company truck, the dust and heat and meat-centred society and lousy roads on which a bicycle is like a death sentence on two wheels. I'm no chicken, but I'm not a fool either.

I keep telling myself: okay, start today. But at the end of the day I'm exhausted and grab the first thing out of the fridge and sit down on the couch. I barely recognize myself that way and I can feel the effects. How to get back to basics? I've committed to goign to the gym four times in the coming week, in which I will twice get my ass kicked by the Filipino lady who teaches a class in which you do at least 400 crunches. Maybe writing it to you Alan, will help me do it. xo

Unknown said...

If you were a chicken you wouldn't be there in the first place! :-)

I can't even begin to imagine what day to day life, and day to day food, is like there but I am guessing that if you REALLY wanted it, healthy options are possible.

I think you may be going through a struggle similar to what I went through (but much tougher given the location). The only advice I can offer is the advice I gave to myself over the last few days:

1) One Day
2) Your body is your temple.

1) If you can focus on getting through just ONE DAY healthier I bet you will feel so much better inside it will inspire you to do it one more day. Just take a day at a time.
2) With so many people believing in so many things in this world there is one thing I suspect you believe in more than anything else...and if you don't you should...and that is you. You are such a remarkable person....just keep telling yourself that your place of worship is yourself....don't put junk in your temple.

Let me know how you are doing. It is so great to hear from you :-)


Quade said...

Thanks for your encouragement Alan! I thought of it today when I started formulating the excuses in my head. Just worry about today, just do today as well as you can, I thought. This is like AA! :-) I did 7 km at the gym on the elliptical and treadmill and have had veggies at every meal. I feel much better of course. Going to cook a good dinner now that I can use for lunch tomorrow too and avoid the Syrian place with its delicious spinach pies. Thanks for the long distance coaching. Hi to Jamie and love to you both.

Unknown said...

That's awesome Quade! Just keep doing day at a time. If you fall off the wagon...just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get right back on. :-)

Miss you!
