Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I think today is an important day.

It is an important day for those in my WW meeting because today is the day we are introduced to the new plan, but it is also an important day whether or not we are on WW.

It is a day where we MUST get our act together.

I am starting to feel like I am getting on the right track again but it continues to be hard.

I am finding that I am not alone. Many are saying they are struggling. It is a common message right now. Perhaps it is the time of year, perhaps it is just crappy weather, but many of us have been slipping.


We can all do this if we do this together.

Not tomorrow, not the next day, and most certainly not January 1st! Get that thought out of your head right now. If you get that thought it might be contagious and I don't want to catch it! :-)

Lets face it, it is a tough, tough time of year...but it is not an unpredictable time of year...the same things happen every year.

If we pull up our socks and find the determination we had when we were really enthusiastic about our weight loss, we can not only get through December we can get through it feeling good about ourselves. That may or may not mean weight loss...weight maintenance through a holiday season is just as much of a success in my books.

So lets just decide to do it. We can if we want to. I for one have worked too damn hard to not want to.

So here's to holiday success...and a new beginning..............starting.....................NOW!

Be healthy!



cdp said...

Yes - today is also the day for me!
Just woke up to the realisation that "yes I can!" So - today is the first day etc etc ...
Big smile!

Unknown said...

YEAH!!!! YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karen said...

Hello to all of you that may or may not be snowed in. Glad everyone is staying of track, it is extremely hard at this time of year. My help seems to have been having a tooth extracted. Funny how you hear that people have a sweet tooth, well the one they took out must have been mine, as any cravings I use to have for sweets or snacks seems to have disappeared.
My comment today is really for M. WW. regarding something I watched on the news the other night (from a Dr. that specializes in weight loss). It was a short item regarding people on weight loss programs that seem to get down, and have problems trying to control their eating when they get in that state of mind. Apparently if you can incorporate more carbs in your evening meal they send signals to your brain that help to reverse the 'I can't do it, want to eat' thoughts. They had an interview with a woman who had lost 50 lbs., but started to become depressed and was going to give up on future weight loss (she wanted to lose another 25 - 50 lbs.). The Dr. adjusted her diet to include more carbs at supper and now she is feeling better about herself, and is back on her weight loss program. I am not sure if this is possible on the WW program or not.
I am sending out positive thoughts to M. WW., and to all of your followers to make it through the season that seems to want to curtail our best efforts.
Take care my friend.

Unknown said...

Hey Karen! Thanks for sharing. It is totally possible on the WW program. WW doesn't tell you when to eat your foods, just to make sure you get your healthy guidelines in over the day and watch you portion sizes, so adjusting carb intake to evening is totally possible.

Can't speak on behalf of M. WW but if this is something she wants to try, it is easy to incorporate.


Anonymous said...

Good morning All, last night was tough but something that I have always dealt with and at least this time around have reconized that one of my biggest issues is emotional eating. I have learned that no matter how po'd I am, food is not going to solve the problem, but knowing it doesn't always help and I still struggle with it, as evidenced by last night.
Thanks for your encouragement Alan, it did help.
I went out shopping straight from work and at Costco the snack bar line was only 1 person and the hotdogs were calling me but the stars were aligned and by the time I was through the cash there were 10 people in line and I was able to walk past it. I got a lot of shopping done and didn't get home until after 9 so it was a very late dinner, but also very light because of the hour.
Karen, thanks for thinking of me. I'm not depressed or even thinking of quitting, just dealing with an ex who is a total ass and his children are starting to realize it.
Anyway....I am good, had a good workout this morning and am clear headed for a busy day and then off to the meeting tonight. Can't wait to see this new program!
M. WW.

Unknown said...

Good for you at Costco!

My sneaky plan of turning the new program on with etools on Monday wasn't to smart. Normally you can just change your weigh in day but right now when I try to it says that "I will be able to change my weigh in day in a few weeks once points plus is fully incorporated."

So I guess, for now, I am tracking Monday to Sunday and weighing in on Wednesday. Guess it doesn't matter much.
