Monday, December 6, 2010

Cleanse Time

I haven't done a cleanse in a while and I have had trouble staying on track so I have decided to do a three day cleanse starting today. So I will be having Fruits and Vegetables only for three days.

I am convinced that the only thing that truly gets me back on track when I start to slip is dramatic change, so this will be the week of change.

Monday to Wednesday I will cleanse and then on Wednesday night I will go to my Weight Watchers meeting where they are introducing a brand new I will do the new program for a week. I am really hoping the change in WW program will also revitalize me.

Some of you may be wondering why I will only do the new program for a week. That, my friends, I will tell you on December 16th :-)

My Musketeers doing ok? I had a bit of a slip up after the gym (ate two chinese pork filled buns) but just had chicken vegetable soup for dinner to try and help compensate.

Be healthy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was good but after freezing out in the cold watching the Santa Claus Parade we came home and had hot chocolate which I found out later was so good because it had a big dose of Baileys in it! Felt great to get up this morning and work out as I hadn't been able to do that in over a week. Am very much looking forward to the new program on Wednesday but very curious about why you way you're only going to be following it for a week.