Saturday, December 18, 2010

There Is A Positive In Everything

I am feeling really good today.

To begin with this is the first time that I have failed to blog for a few days but have stayed 100% ON TRACK!. Usually not blogging means I am busy, but it also means I am get on my case if I don't blog! :-)

As most of you know I am supposed to be sailing around the Mediterranean on what I choose to refer to as one of Royal Caribbean's Fitness Centres on water. This little journey has been postponed.

Since I wasn't supposed to be here, it means that, with the exception of one Sunday lunch invite we we happily accepted, the slate is clean. The week is not full of holiday eating binges...I mean functions. I am choosing to keep it that way.

I have been tracking what I eat and I already feel soooo much better. It really is quite amazing how quickly your body sends you positive signals when you do the right thing.

Today after the gym I am going to try Hot Yoga with my friend Anthony. I have never tried Hot Yoga before (or any type of Yoga before for that matter).

I always wanted to try Yoga but felt to embarrassed to show up for a class because of my weight. Then when I lost weight I was so into exercising and blogging I didn't have time. Today...I am going to try it.

I am thinking that I have a bit of a double bonus. I don't have eating functions this week (although Christmas Eve to boxing day is packed full of eating situations) and then we will head for the "fitness centre on water" while our friend looks after the B&B. I can control my eating there.

I hope I am right but the trip does not worry me. It feels like a safe haven, I have done this type of journey before. I know exactly what I can and cannot eat. It is more "known" than holiday festivities are.

In the past, with this type of holiday, I have been very good during the first week away and then caved in and ate junk in the second week. This time I am going to survive two weeks successfully!

For now, I will focus on being good until Christmas.

Be healthy!


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