Friday, December 24, 2010

And So This Is Christmas is here....Christmas Eve anyway.

I am such a sap.

Jamie and I decided a while ago that out annual Christmas present to each other would be a trip of some sort, which means there is no present under the tree with my name on it tomorrow, but it doesn't matter. Christmas is so magical I love it anyway.

This year....I especially love it because it has been a special year. I have become re-acquainted with so many people from my past. It is truly fantastic. I guess I should be saying a big thank you to Facebook. What a huge impact it has had. It has made the year more magical than I could have imagined. Who would have thought a free website could ever accomplish what it has accomplished. Thank you Facebook!

I have been so far...on the food front. Other than one Swiss Chalet splurge I have stayed completely "in check". I do have four fancy dinners in a row now, but I really feel in control. I have also doubled up my exercise. All will be good.

I am not going to write a long blog today. No one has time to read it today anyway LOL.

I do want to wish all of my friends and family celebrating Christmas, the happiest of Christmases.

I know I have used the word "wintermas" in place of Christmas before, but I think on Christmas Eve day, and Christmas Day, it is right to respect the tradition of the name. Besides, as much as I have said I am not religious, I personally believe that a person named Christ did exist at some point on this planet. So I am perfectly happy to celebrate his birthday.

I truly am blessed to know you.

Be healthy,



Quade said...

Spending more time with you and Jamie has been one of the highlights of my year. I thought you should know that. You two are so kind and generous and witty and fun to hang with; as my Mum used to say, "good people" - her highest compliment, and mine too. Merry Christmas to you, and many good things to come in the year ahead. xoxo

Unknown said...

e miss you lots Quade and are thinking of you at Christmas. I am not sure what kind of christmas you can have there but know that we are celebrating it with you here.

We are sooooooooo lucky to know you.

Much love,

Alan & Jamie