Sunday, December 5, 2010

Friends - Amazing Spirits

I am so lucky. I think I have the best friends in the world.

My friends not only support me, they put up with my food obsessed life. I'm either obsessed with being good or obsessed with being bad. Knowing that people are there to support me as I flip back and forth between the two is amazing.

Last night my friend Tom Mackan stayed over. He is about to turn 80 and is an amazing spirit. He started Weight Watchers 8 weeks ago and is down almost 20 pounds. I am so very proud of him. We went for dinner last night and he not only ate like a perfect WW member, he kept me in control by his example. Awesome guy.

My friends Naoko and Albert are amazing too. When I couldn't have surgery about five years ago because I was too large to qualify for it, Albert told me that if I went back to Weight Watchers he would go with me. He is still going with me, and Naoko keeps me in line. She is not afraid to politely tell me when I look like I am gaining weight. I love that about her. She does it because she cares. She is a good friend.

Then there is my friend Todd, who I know also "gets it" and puts up with my incessant talking about food at Tim Hortons. I value our friendship now more than I ever have. I think we really understand each other.

My friend Wendy would be the first person to tell me to get what I want to eat in the old days. Now she does her best to try and get me to make healthy choices when we go out to eat.

My friend Sue leads by example. She is such an inspiration and shares the same philosophy I have, which is that a little "full fat" is much better for you than chemically created "low fat" products.

Catherine In Scotland and Alf in England are on their own journeys. They share their struggles with me and support me when I slip. Proof that distance is so irrelevant in today's world. Andrew and Kirsten, and cousin Lorraine keep in touch from England and Scotland too....awesome!

Anthony, my trainer/nutritionist friend works out with me and encourages perfect eating. I try, and really appreciate that he still hangs around in spite of my repeated failures.

Maurizio and Diane are on the "organic" band wagon with me. They share ideas, ask questions, and keep me thinking the right thoughts. So encouraging to me and I love them for it.

My one friend, who is more private so I won't say her name, but she knows who she is, has lost significant weight on her own and kept it off for years and years. Great person to share confidences and friendship with.

Cara is always "food supportive" and whenever she asks about getting together to eat she almost always suggests we choose a healthy place. We have been unsuccessfully trying to make our schedules sync for months. We gotta make it happen!

Quade is so far away now. Another world it seems but still stays in touch. It is awesome to have a naturally thin person as part of the group who adds valuable perspective.

Debbie from the other side of Canada can always be counted on to make me laugh :)

Then there is the whole gang at Weight Watchers, others on this blog, and the fantabulous gang from Nutrition school. So so so so supportive.

I am sure I have forgotten someone and I apologize for that, but the point is, I have such a strong support group. I am surrounding myself with people I love, not the least of which is my husband. How he puts up with my radical swings in mentality I will never know.

Surrounding myself with quality friends has made such a huge difference in my life.

I am a very lucky man.

Wondering how my other two Musketeers for the week are doing? My day was good yesterday. We went out to eat but I was pretty good (except maybe for the garlic mashed potatoes).

Be healthy!



cdp said...

This muscateer is flailing - I'm afraid that I can see that I'm falling into "the diet starts on Monday!" route again. Truth is - I have had a very stressful week (Canadian-style snow here and everything grinds to a halt - I lost a driver this week and have decided that I need to save his wage anyway, so have been working very long hours doing both our jobs. When there is so little time I find myself eating on the hoof (whatever is closest to hand!!)
Btw - meant to comment on the Marie Osmond blog - how very, very true about the "marrying at your esteem-level" was!!!!!!
Ho hum - tomorrow another day - today I rest!!
Tuesday I have an op (hopefully) - weather willing!!!
keep on trackin ...

The Director said...

Brilliant, Alan. My name in print in your very Blog! Call the press! Seriously, so brilliant have an overnight with you guys on Seaton St... congenial, warm, hospitable, great conversation. Rob enjoyed himself, too, at dinner. AND 'PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT" WAS FABULOUS! Tom

Unknown said... is already Sunday night where you are so just don't forget the "Start on Monday" commitment.

You work so hard already...taking on the drivers job as well as your own workload is quite an undertaking. I really hope you still find time for yourself.

Will keep my fingers crossed on the "weather" front.

Tom: I am so happy you met Jamie and that our paths have crossed again. Really enjoyed seeing you.

Anonymous said...

Cool...I'm a Musketeer. Yesterday was chaos without a second to think between running kids here, there and everywhere and then the dinner for mother's birthday. Chinese was great and I was able to stay very vegetable strong. The chocolate cake and ice cream was there and I had a very small piece which was good but really not worth the points. Today is busy again but in control and easy and I am actually looking forward to being back to work tomorrow and my early morning exercise.
I'm still on the line...hanging on tight!
M. WW.