Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shoot Me - I Like Cold Red Wine

When did we become afraid to say what we like and what we want?

The other day I had a glass of red wine from a bottle that was accidentally left in the Fridge. When it was put in the Fridge it was only supposed to be there briefly. It is totally acceptable to chill your red wine ever so slightly because, apparently, room temperature today is warmer than room temperature was when the temperature at which red wine is supposed to be served was set. It is, however, an abomination of God to drink it cold.

So...the bottle went in the Fridge and by some freak of nature it was not consumed. It just got cold...real cold.

I will probably never be invited to a social occasion again for saying this, but I drank it cold and I liked it. I am thinking of writing a song about it. Something with the same melody as the song "I kissed a girl...I liked it".

My question is this. When the hell did we become so afraid to make our own decisions about what we like and dislike? What we want and don't want? What we can and cannot have?

I was in a Weight Watchers meeting yesterday and a lady was concerned because she had reached her goal weight, and as a result her friends were encouraging her to eat again. She wanted to know what to tell them. She doesn't of course, want to offend them.

I have to preface my next, rather strong, statement by saying I am not criticizing this lady. I not only understand her I am her. I always want to please and not offend. I want to fit in. I totally get where she is coming from.

So what should we tell these people?

How about the truth? How about "I worked damn hard to get where I am and your well meaning gestures will sabotage all my efforts". How about " I don't want it". How about "I will eat what I choose to eat...thank you very much". [I really want to type "How about "Go to Hell" in here but I am too polite so I won't...or did I?].

My point is this. Too many of us have become obsessed with doing and saying the correct thing. With making sure we fit in. With being careful not to offend.

The sad thing is, it is their suggestions that we should be offended by. They know how hard we have worked so why would they encourage us to sabotage our efforts? That, my friends, is really offensive.

If I make my own decision to sabotage my efforts for a night that is one thing. If someone else encourages me to...that is not a friend.

So I don't think I will be too concerned when someone offers me something unhealthy and keeps pushing it after I have politely said no once or twice. The third response may just start with an "F" and end with an "Off". I know many of you don't think I am capable of that...ask Jamie if you have any doubt. I don't mean I say it to him (not often anyway)...but to other people who push one too many of my buttons. You can't survive in a career like mine (Real Estate) unless you can match the strength of every power tripping agent that crosses your path. I don't believe in power tripping but I totally believe in putting power trippers in their place. It is, I think, an art.

Wow...did I just type that? Uh oh...the militant side of me that few see is coming out.

If you haven't seen it...try offering me a donut three times.

Be healthy!



cdp said...

You are all so CANADIAN - in Scotland people would say "fuck off - I'll do what I want" and to hell with social niceties and propriety!!!!

Unknown said...

And that, my dear, is why I love you....there isn't an ounce of phoney pretentiousness in your body. I don't think anyone could say you were anything other than Catherine. I think "I am what I am...I am my only special creation" should have been the Scottish National Anthem".

cdp said...

he he
Love you too