Thursday, December 23, 2010

Feeling bloated

Each year, it is kind of a tradition for Jamie and I to order the Swiss Chalet Festive Meal at least once. For those not in Canada it is basically a chicken dinner with stuffing, cranberry sauce, and 4 Lindt Chocolates.

I was kind of thinking it was a tradition we would skip this year. That didn't happen.

Jamie and I had a plan yesterday. I was going to go to WW and weigh in and he was going to make a nice vegetarian dish for when I got home.  I did go to WW and was down 2.2 pounds. Yay!

When I got out of the meeting I still had to go to a store and buy something before heading home and that meant that by the time I got home it would be 8pm. Jamie and I  talked on the phone and decided to do the Festive Meal thing . Of course I didn't do it "small time". I had a half chicken dinner instead of the quarter chicken, chose fries instead of salad, and ate my bun and Jamie's bun.

I still feel bloated.

I'm going to do a double round at the gym today. Going to do my regular morning work out and then work out again with my friend Anthony later.

As I look forward, we have dinner guests at our place on the 24th, 26th and 27th and we will be having Christmas dinner at friends on the 25th. I will control the three meals at home, but as I have said before, I am not going to worry about the actual Christmas dinner.

I have decided not to do Christmas Brunch this year. I usually make a big spread with everything you can think of from Eggs Benedict to bacon to sausage to pancakes to potato scones to fried mushrooms to stewed tomatoes etc.

This year it will just be Jamie and I Christmas morning and we really don't need it, or want it.

In spite of all the food challenges I am really looking forward to this Christmas. I think it will be a great one.

I also think it is good last night happened. It has made me so much more aware of how careful I have to be.

How are your challenges going?

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

Thats great that you were down 2 yesterday! I have been really busy getting my shopping done in between hockey games and work is just crazy right now so I am totally stressing myself out. Finished today for the four day weekend and actually brought work home with me. Year end is always nuts and I know I will get through it but I have to make a big effort this week to take note of what I'm eating and not just grab what ever I can. I am not so worried about the season events but the rush in between when I am working and not thinking about eating and just grabbing what ever is close to make the hunger go away so I can keep working. I know that I need to plan for those meals.....but knowing it is not the same as doing it. I will do it though, I've come too far this year to just drop it now.
If I don't get back tomorrow have the Merriest Christmas. I also can't wait!
M. WW.

Unknown said...

It sucks to be working through Christmas but I hope you have an amazing one nonetheless. Do the best you can food-wise. The most important thing is to get right back on track when you slip. I indulged a bit to night but in comparison to previous years I was sooooooooooo good.

Three more dinners to go.

You have been so helpful to me this year. I wish an incredibly happy 2001 for you :-)

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

2001?? what were you indulging in? Perhaps not just food? LOL.
Happen to be listening to Freddie Jackson sing the very same Christmas song that you wrote on your blog today as I was reading it!
Having a great day, in the process of making a great dinner...I love Christmas! Enjou
M. WW.

Unknown said...

LOL...the weird thing is that I did notice it said 2001 and thought I corrected it but clearly I didn't lol. We are just getting ready to head to Dundas for dinner with friends.

Have a GREAT XMAS dinner!
