Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cleanse/Detox is Over! More Importantly...Way To Go Pamela!

Ok before I even start babbling on about myself I have to send a HUGE shout out to Pamela. She has been struggling to make the 60 pound market for weeks now and never quite made it. She persisted though, and now she has she not only made it she exceeded it! Persistence wins the race.

We are all so proud of you Pamela. Congratulations!!!! on to me :-)

I survived!

The cleanse and the sickness!

I can now return to eating like a human being! To be honest I ended it a little bit early but only about twelve hours early. When you consider that it was a seven day cleanse I think I can forgive myself for not doing the last 12 hours. Especially since it was a "planned" early end, rather than a "caving-in of willpower". I decided to end it early a few days ago.

You see, a friend of ours is in town visiting from England (you may recall a girl sticking her tongue out in our vacation photos...that is her). Here she is again in Toronto with us last night:

Kimme and her famous Tongue

Steve, Kimme and Jamie

Last night was the only night we would be able to see her before she leaves Toronto so we met her and our friend Steve for a late dinner. It was sooooo good to be able to eat food! We went to a sushi restaurant.

I know Stacey, the girl who does my colonics, is going to kill me because I kind of promised that, after not eating anything solid for a week, I would only have Miso soup and Salad. She was quite rightly concerned that my body would not be prepared to process much more.

That didn't happen. I had Sushi and Ice Cream (and Miso Soup). Sorry Stacey. Fortunately I didn't have any digestive issues.

I am feeling a lot better today. Going to focus on that final exam I have been whining about all week and get the damn thing done. I am showing properties tonight, however, and tomorrow is also crazy so unless a miracle strikes I will likely be handing it in Monday and taking a 15% late penalty. It sucks, but there isn't much point in doing it unless I am actually doing it right and learning something. I just hope I pass the course. I haven't got my marks back yet from my last assignment and test so I really don't know where I stand.

In spite of the fact that I got sick I am so glad I did the cleanse and the colonics. I have become a big believer in them and Stacey from VitaLife Digestive Wellness Clinic . She is so knowledgeable about health as well as colonics. I actually found myself looking forward to going. Not something one would normally look forward to, I know...but I did look forward to it. I may actually miss it! Well...maybe not the colonics...but Stacey.

As I mentioned before I want to write more about the "colonic" topic ( might not be the "feel good" blog you might hope for...but I hope it will be informative and you will "feel good" about doing it if you decide to), but I think I will wait until the weekend when I have more time to reflect on what I want to say.

For is back to normal living.

Last week I suggested you set a goal for the week and actually do it. Did you set one? If not, how about setting one for this week? You can do it if you really want to.

It is critical I set a new goal now. I have my goal of fitting into that shirt I bought in London on November 3rd, but that is way too far out for it to be my only goal. I am only going to commit to one thing this week and that is tracking my food for the whole week. There are a lot of nights out so I think I have to. I want to keep things balanced.

I was down .2 pounds today (that is "point two" and not "two"). Not much I know, especially since it has been two weeks since my last weigh-in, but I am not concerned for a number of reasons.

1) I am pretty sure if I had weighed-in last week I would have been up at least 4 pounds so technically I am down more than .2 pounds over the last week.
2) I have been doing detox and colonics which you would think would lead to weight loss, but that is tampered by the fact that I had a LOT of fresh fruit as juice, and therefore a lot of natural sugars.
3) I was sick and that can mess everything up metabolism wise.
4) Because I was sick I wasn't going to the gym. I am still not going to go today, but hope to get back tomorrow. Saturday at the latest. I want to get back on track as soon as possible but also want to acknowledge that I haven't been well and consequently don't want to push myself just for the sake of pushing myself. The important thing is that I do get back to regular work outs this week!

I have a lot of fruits and vegetables left from my cleanse so there are still going to be a lot of veggie/fruit drinks this week, but I will "count" everything in terms if Weight Watcher's points..

Be healthy!


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