Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feeling Yourself Grow

Ok I know this doesn't just happen to me...or maybe it does and I am a total freak.

Do you ever "feel" yourself growing? I am not talking about feeling stuffed or noticing that after a big meal that your stomach is bloated...although it is true I am usually eating when it happens.

I mean physically feeling things like your cheeks (the facial ones ) grow. Feeling like the weight is coming onto you right in that second. The weight that will stay, not the weight that is temporary.

That happened to me yesterday at the wedding. The bizarre thing is the food was pretty healthy. Although I did have some h'orderves before the formal meal, and, in spite of the fact that I said on the blog yesterday that I would NOT have the "Decadent Chocolate Dessert" I had it.

I think it is a build up of a few days of bad habits. I ate pretty good the day before yesterday, but in general, ever since my episode with the two A&W Mama Burgers and the Pecan Pie Blizzard, I haven't been feeling "on track". In fact I feel like I am slipping.

I have kept my promise not to bring any processed food into the house, but that hasn't been good enough. I have eaten outside and unhealthy or inside and too much.

I know I am not slipping for long but for long enough to worry. This is going to be a crazy week work-wise and I also have a test at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition on Tuesday and an assignment due on Thursday. These are things that I have traditionally eaten myself through.

I also haven't got to the gym for a few days. Eating more and working out less is not a good combination.

I am going backwards and I don't like backwards. The only solace is that I know myself well enough now to know it will be corrected no later than Thursday (after the assignment is submitted) but I hope I can correct it before then.

This may be a week where I can't make it to Weight Watchers either. That meeting is Wednesday night and with the test Tuesday, the assignment Thursday, and my heavy workload, it might have to miss it this week. It won't be the end of the world, but it is a week where I should go. We will see.

I did have the most fantastic day yesterday though. We attended the wedding of a wonderful couple, Ilona and John, and Ilona even mentioned us in her speech. It was an honour to be asked to this wedding as it was a small wedding and almost entirely family, but even more of an honour to be singled out like that. We love them both and wish them much happiness.

Meeting Ilona, was an amazing example of how the universe insists on bringing people who should be together, together.

About eight years ago we got an email form a girl in Russia who was immigrating to Canada and needed a place to stay until she found an apartment. She booked into our B&B for ten days.

The ironic thing is she never actually stayed with us.

We subsequently received an email from Ilona cancelling the reservation. She was the best  guest we never had.

Normally we would not be happy when someone booked for ten days and then cancelled on us but there was something so refreshing about Ilona's email. She did not make up excuses and we could tell by her email she was so sweet and so sincerely sorry about the situation she felt she placed us in.

She said that she had come to the conclusion that she simply had to be realistic given that she was a new immigrant and needed to find a cheaper place to stay. As a result she was going to have to book somewhere else. She worded it in such a way that we not only understood, we knew that whether she stayed with us or not we simply had to meet this girl.

We told her we completely understood her situation and asked her to drop by and say hi when she got to Canada. To our surprise, and delight, she did. She was not only strikingly beautiful on the outside, but had a heart that would make you melt and a brain that could compete with the best.

Since then we have become close to her new husband John as well (no...she never had an old one) and he is also fantastic.

She decided to bring her parents to Canada and used me as her Real Estate Broker to buy them a home before they arrived. I was honoured to be asked to do this as well.

Ilona and John are two very special people. I wish them much happiness but I know I don't need to. As Jamie would say..."It Is Written".

The Beautiful Bride and Groom
John and Ilona
We Love You!
Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

That is a lovely story and says alot about all of you!

cdp said...

sorry - that was me - not some random!

Unknown said...

LOL Thanks for that clarification :-)