Monday, September 13, 2010

Survived The Busy Weekend

I was real busy all weekend and I did NOT resort to fast food joints! Maybe I am actually learning something! The good news is the weekend was worthwhile as it resulted in a property sale. There were three offers on the property but mine won. Yeah! My clients are very happy.

I had a Vitamix juice/vegetable drink for breakfast (well more like brunch) again, with Watermelon (including the rind), grapes, pineapple, protein powder, and Zucchini. Surprisingly good.

Skipped lunch (I know I know...not good...but I was just too busy and had a late breakfast(.

For dinner we had Tempeh and some vegetarian concoction from my Nutrition Course. I didn't think it was too bad but Jamie didn't like it at all.

I am thinking I am going to turn the leftovers into soup in the Vitamix today and see if he likes it any better the second time around :-)

Regardless of taste it was real healthy. Basically a multitude of vegetables and Quinoa with the Tempeh on the side.

Really need to find the time for sleep though. Just not getting enough lately. The good news is the motivation for work is back. Going like gangbusters now.

Off to the gym.

Be healthy!


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