Saturday, September 4, 2010

Feeling Good!

I woke up this morning feeling really good. It's amazing how quickly eating well can rejuvenate you.

I went to the gym again yesterday morning and had some fruit for breakfast, an omelet for lunch, and Fish (without batter this time) and veggies for dinner. Perfect :-)

I almost wasn't perfect though. I had to go to the corner store to get some milk and when I was there I saw this bag of shrimp chips. Could they possibly taste as good as the ones I love from Marks and Spencer's? I wanted to find I bought them. I tasted didn't taste bad but it wasn't what I was looking for so I immediately threw the rest of the bag in the garbage outside the corner store...whew!

I think the jet lag is disappearing too. Slept through the night until my normal wake up time without the help of Melatonin.

So...things return to normal. Yes, that can be boring, but I need a little "boring" every now and then.

I found myself trying to think of a topic to write about today. After such a whirlwind trip I haven't had that problem for a while. How to keep the blog from being a novel has been the bigger problem.

I do think though that I may owe some of you an apology. I have received so many comments, publicly and privately, about how people have found this blog to be an inspiration for them, and that really makes me happy, but I think, as fun as my vacation was, it was far from inspirational from a food perspective. Honest yes...inspirational...not so much.

The thing is though that you must understand how much you inspire me. I would not be back on track on day 1 of my return without you. You keep me on the straight and least eventually.

So thank you for that.

I will try to get back to doing some things that are at least a BIT inspirational.

Have a GREAT day, and be healthy!


P.S. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew Braeden :-)


Anonymous said...

Maybe your food choices weren't 'inspirational' but your total honesty was. Cindy even mentioned you at the meeting and said that you would be back next week to tell us about your trip.
I knew you'd get right back at it...good for you.
See you Wednesday.

Unknown said...

Awww...that is so sweet of her. Thanks for letting me know :-)