Friday, September 24, 2010

Self Empowerment Through Personal Responsibilty

Isn't that a great title?

I have mentioned that phrase before, and I actually stole it from one of my nutrition course text books.

Words to live by I think.

I don't think there are any words that better describe how I am feeling right now.

After three weeks of vacation and then three weeks of waffling back and forth I have finally taken personal responsibility for my actions. Nobody...and I mean nobody...can make me do that. Many have encouraged me, and I REALLY appreciate that, but ultimate I decide what I am going to do and when I am going to do it.

Your encouragement has meant the world to me, and probably made me face the reality of my situation earlier than I would have otherwise, so I sincerely thank you for that. Without your feedback I probably would have gained 20 pounds before starting to turn myself around.

If I waffle, my weight will waffle, and my health will waffle.

I am done with waffling.

That does not mean life becomes easy by any means. I have completed the first day of my cleanse, and, quite frankly, I am hungry. That is part of the process...part of what I signed up for when I committed to doing the will subside and I will be glad I struggled through.

I have made the commitment and I am keeping it. That in itself is incredibly self empowering and it feels great.

What do you wish to accomplish this week? I urge you to decide and do it! It doesn't even have to be about food, weight, or health. Only you can decide to actually do what you want to do though.

Take responsibility for doing what you want to do and do it! That is, as long as it is legal...don't go and murder someone or anything like that :-).

I promise you that as soon as you make the commitment and take that first step you will feel empowered.

I can do it, and if I can do it, you can too.

Be Healthy!



cdp said...

I hear you!
As I sit munching my way thru a tin of tuna with a solitary dill pickle - I feel empowered!

Unknown said...

LOL...I just hope you actually LIKE Tuna and Dill Pickles :-)

cdp said...

Like it? I love it!

Unknown said...

That's a relief. Was worried the dill pickle cravings might mean something more than you like Dill Pickles :-)

cdp said...

Alan - I am knocking on the door of the big 5 0 - you wouldn't really wish that on me now!!!

Unknown said... someone else getting there pretty I wouldn't...then again...50 is the new 40 right?