Saturday, September 18, 2010

Would You have Cosmetic Surgery or Botox?

Have you contemplated cosmetic surgery? Perhaps something less invasive like some Botox injections?

I have. Hell I even did Botox!

I am not going to write about the health associated dangers. Frankly I don't know enough about that, but I will write about the pure dangers associated with the way you might look. Possibly Forever. What if it goes wrong?!!!!

The bizarre thing is I can make a scary statement like that but I still haven't ruled it out completely. I am in absolutely no rush to do anything but I can't bring myself to say I would NEVER do anything again. Botox is all I have ever done though.

I love the skin I'm in, but that doesn't mean I would totally rule out a refurbishment.

The only thing I would caution if you are contemplating this is that you understand what COULD happen. You could walk around looking like a frickin freak show for the rest of your life!

I know this first hand because I walked around looking like Dr. Spock for months. You know how the eyebrows sort of go up to a slight point on either side? That was me! That was Botox. If you don't believe me take a look at this pic. I may look like I am frozen for the split second that the picture was taken, but no....I was just frozen....for months!

Pretty scary huh? Jamie said I just looked angry for six months.

Part of me thinks I just got the wrong person doing the injections and I should try it again. Another part of me thinks: "What if that was actually plastic surgery?...and it was forever!" Yikes.

Then again, Joan Rivers looked horrible after her 2000th surgery but the 2001st seemed to have improved her. She still looks plastic...but the plastic is much more appealing now. So there must be a bit of a correction factor possible.

I guess the question is...what would she look like if she had done nothing? Would she look better as an old shrivelled up prune? I guess we will never know. Nor will she. If you change who you are in an unnatural you ever know who you are again?

I know I should be screaming "NO!" at the top of my lungs, but I can't say I would rule it out. I know I STILL wouldn't look 20 years old but not looking 80 when I am 80 is an appealing thought.

I would have to think long and hard before doing it though..and make sure I found the right person. If I did anything it would probably be the lines under the eyes. At least that is pretty non-invasive.

Still...if it doesn't work...I'd be stuck with it.

Maybe just being healthy is enough.

Time will tell.

Off to a wedding today...wish me luck on the food front! I did well yesterday.

Be healthy!



cdp said...

Whoa - I have to say, that is kinda weird! I like you better au naturale!
Some would say - you can see the way that you've lived your life by looking at the face - would that be so very bad in your case Alan? No - I didn't think so!

Unknown said...

I actually really believe that the face tells a lot about a persons life. Especially if it has been a hard life. You can see it right away.

Then again...the people I see in health food shops often look leathery and unhealthy to me. I am sure they are healthy...its probably just my perception of what "healthy" looks like that is misguided.


Quade said...

You look kind of evil genius in that photo. :-)

I saw the doc about Joan River's last night at the Varsity. Her face is truly alarming and strange, though after an hour or so you kind of get used to it. To call it a mask is no exageration. The only time we knew she was feeling something was when she got teary-eyed. It did make her skin look great, all those many fillers (though lord knows what they're doing to her kidneys on the way out). But as she talked her way through the doc, revealing her incredibly profound in securities, ie. 'if people don't want to see you on stage, you no longer exist' you can see where the surgery comes from. It's NOT a contented or happy place. In fact, she is NEVER happy with herself. Two minutes after she won the Celebrity Apprentice, backstage being feted by one and all, and she was already saying she had to work harder and better, do something better. Same with the face. It's never good enough.

Even if I felt that way about myself, would I want to put it all over my face like that all the time, so everyone and their dog knows my secret self-loathing? That's a no.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've thought about it but not on my face. Not that I think my face is perfect, far from it. I have lines and I've earned them, but my fear of the mistake and not looking like myself would keep me from it. If the time and the money was right though, I'd be there is a heartbeat to get a tummy tuck and a breast lift. I just want those parts back they way they were before three kids and all the pounds that went with it!

cdp said...

re Alan's comment bout unhealthy looking folk in the health food shop - they were the vegans - hehehe

Pamela said...

I met Joan about 3 years ago - and I was standing in the TSC lobby with my Mom when she walked in.

She was so nice, took the time to talk to us and I was so close to her I have to admit, I was looking where they had tucked her face!!! There was no sign of it.

The funny part is that she is actually very attractive in person - very soft and I really enjoyed our chance meeting.

As for surgery, well, you have to remember with enough of it you might look younger than your friends and you might just not "fit into" the image of that age group. You will look young and with that make your friends older.

I am a firm believer it if is not broke do not fix it. To go through vanity surgery is up to each individual, but count me out.

If I am healthy, I will deal with the wrinkles. It is called a life well lived on your face.

Unknown said...

Hmmm...seems cosmetic surgery brings about lots of comments! :-)

Even Joan gets lots of commentary. Would love to see that documentary!

We have a friend who met Joan Rivers at a Broadway show...well actually she kinda knocked her over I think. Apparently Joan was lovely to her then too.

I think people can say what they will about her. Nobody survives as long as she had in that business without brains. I have always thought there was almost a direct correlation between intelligence and insecurity.

Good think I ain't too bright! LOL

Unknown said...

Pamela...this may make me a total bitch but I like the ides of my friends looking older than me :-) LOL