Thursday, September 23, 2010

Let The Fun Begin

Today is the day it starts. The one week cleanse.

I am a little nervous as I don't feel as mentally prepared for it as I have when I have done it in the past, but I am going to do it.

I know that today and tomorrow are going to be extremely hard. I will feel like I am starving, and then things will balance out.

I am allowing myself raw fruits and vegetables, but other than that it is a concoction of clay water, fibre, Apple cider, apple vinegar, and supplements.

The VitaMix should come in handy this week.

The good news is I ate well yesterday, and I had a good nights sleep again.

I haven't been going to the gym as regularly as I should lately which is another problem. I will commit to doing that every day this week as well, but I amy not work out as hard. Without solid food in I have to be realistic about what I can do. But I will do something!

Wish me luck and be healthy!


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