Thursday, September 2, 2010


We Are Home!

It is so good to be home. 

Best trip ever but it is definitely time to return to normal.

On the flight home I reflected on the “food” experience of this “vacation journey”.

Things started out well in Bournemouth but I slowly, and then rapidly, went downhill.
Things got extremely unhealthy, to the point where I seemed to almost gravitate to the unhealthy choices, but I refuse to call it a failure. To say something has failed is to assume you are done with your journey and I will never be done. I just hit a big bump in the road.

I think the biggest difference between honesty on vacation and honesty at home lies in what it feels like to the person being honest (i.e. me). At home honesty is hard. I try to be healthy and if I slip up it is hard to confess it on this Blog, but I do. When I am on vacation and I mess up the confession is almost fun. It shouldn’t be, but it is. The fun, however, is now over.

Initially I thought I would not weigh myself until I officially weigh in at Weight Watchers next Wednesday. It would give me a week to try to rectify the damage, but I have decided to face the music and weigh-in at a meeting in Toronto tonight. I will post the “damage” tomorrow. I know it is going to be bad but I am back on track already and at this point that is all that matters.

The good news is that I don’t feel a need to “diet”. My journey is a life long one so the reality is I just need to get back to my “new” normal.

I do feel a need to cleanse though, and that means a few days of raw fruits and vegetables only. I suppose in reality that does constitute a “diet” but mentally there is a HUGE difference.

Cleansing now and then is part of my normal life-long routine and not a temporary “panic” method of losing weight.

I know from experience that no matter how I slice it this is going to be a tough week. Bringing eating habits back in line after a vacation is  always tough for me and it is not unusual for the first week back to be worse than the time away. That will not happen this time.

So…the vacation may have been a bit of a train wreck as far as food goes but it is over and I move on.

My hope is that by the next vacation I will have moved so far down the road toward healthy eating that unhealthy food won’t be that appealing anymore.

Once I get the weight back off I intend to move to pretty much entirely fresh, wholesome and organic food. For now I am ok with a bit of the processed “low fat” stuff even though I know it may not be best from a health perspective.

I think once I have been doing real, unprocessed, organic foods for six months or so it will be harder to go back to crap. At least I hope so.

So what is the new goal?

It is that shirt I bought in London a few days ago and posted a picture of on my Blog.

Too Small

Today is September 2nd  (my Dad’s Birthday so Happy Birthday Dad…I am thinking of you up there J ) . I am not going to rush myself but on November 3rd, which is 10 weeks away, I am going to wear that shirt to a Weight Watchers Meeting and post a picture of me doing so on this Blog. 

There…I have done it to myself again…publically forced myself into a goal I cannot back out of.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

Ahhh ... Tim Hortons .... The mother ship .... Epitomises Canada to all who dwell there .... Enjoy ....

AnthonyDipasquale said...

welcome back, bro!

Unknown said...

Thanks bud! Glad to be home :-)