Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No More Alcohol

For heaven's sake I didn't mean no more Alcohol forever! Just till next weekend.

I am eating pretty well but I have gone from lots of Beer (wine in Edinburgh) on vacation to a long weekend of wine in Toronto. It is time to stop for the week. If I don't, the healthy eating doesn't do much good now does it? I have no intention of stopping for good but I am stopping for the week...I know I know, not much of an accomplishment, but I have to write it publicly in order to ensure I do it. 

Today was an almost healthy day. I had the leftovers from yesterday's dinner (which was very healthy) for brunch, but in the afternoon we had a really good friend over and we had wine and Tortilla chips with Salsa. The chips and Salsa were organic but that doesn't mean the chips were not fattening. Everything already existed in my house though so I did not break my "no new processed food" commitment. I will just consider it "cleaning out the trash".

Dinner was a wonderfully healthy Vegetarian dish. The main ingredients were:

Red Lentils
Kelp powder
Red Chard
A ton of relatively mild spices

It was quite good but needed more salt.

Red Lentil Quinoa Stew
I also went to the gym and did an hour of Cardio. My hamstrings are really hurting from my strength training Sunday but it is good to be back in action.

I am really enjoying healthy eating. It feels good knowing I am doing it. If you are not doing it...try it! You'll like it!

Well...maybe you won't like it at first. I didn't. Eventually you will though...promise! :-)

Be healthy!



Quade said...

I'm a bad influence. Oh wait, that was you. No - it must have been Jamie. And what the hell is Kelp Powder? I've been a veggie for 20 odd years and I'm telling you, there is some wierd eatin' out there in veg land. Don't believe (all) the hype.

Unknown said...

LOL...It's just a type of seaweed in powder form. :-) Noticed you were going to the Vegetarian thingy this weekend. If I get time I may go myself. Don't think I will ever be a vegetarian (sorry) but they probably have lots of healthy ideas there.

If you see the VitaMix exhibit there, that is the frickin expensive blender I just ordered.
