Monday, November 8, 2010

Times Are A Changing - Weight Is Taking A Back Seat.

I have decided I don't want to worry about weight anymore.

It doesn't mean I will ignore it. I can't. It also doesn't mean I won't go to Weight Watchers every week. I have to. I know this. I will always have to...and I always have to weigh-in...more importantly...I want to.

The reality is, however, that I really want to turn my attention to health and I think I lose that focus whenever I try to focus on weight loss. I find myself doing things I no longer want to do in the name of getting the right number on the scale.

Don't get me wrong. Doing what you have to do to get the right number on the scale can sometimes be critical. If I start to slip then I will return to that mode of thinking.

For now...I am focusing on health. I will allow myself five pounds leeway from my Doctors note goal, which means I can go up to 190 pounds but no higher. My Doctor's note is at 185 pounds. The Weight Watcher's guideline goal is 179 pounds. Would I rather be at 179 pounds? Yes. Will I stress as long as I am under 190 pounds? No. Will I be happy if I am 187 or less? Yes...because then Weight Watchers remains free. That gives that little extra incentive to go back down if my weight creeps into the 187 - 190 range. I am thinking, however, that if I truly eat healthy, and exercise, the weight may naturally stay in check. I am really hoping this is the case.

I won't abandon the Weight Watchers program the way it is least not for the most part. For you WW members I will be sticking to the "Filling Foods" plan with the one caveat and that is that that I will not be eating dairy every day...I personally believe there are better Calcium sources...but that is just my opinion.

This is not an excuse. It is an informed and conscious decision. I want the focus, at this point in my journey, to be on healthy eating.

I am kind of excited about making this transition official. Originally I thought it would be my New Year's resolution, but I am ready for it and I am ready for it now. is to health!

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

That sounds like a good plan. You are defiantly in a better place (mentally) than the last time you lost weight - when it was all about getting the numbers down and nothing about the healthy eating and exercising part. Well done you to get there so quickly!

Anonymous said...

That was me Catherine btw!

Unknown said...

Thanks Catherine! I am really excited about your progress as well. I want a picture soon!