Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Official Pics Are In! A New Goal Is Set.

I did it!

I wore the shirt, as promised, for a day and took pictures proving I did so. Here is my picture at the Weight Watchers meeting:

I was down 2.8 Pounds!
I also took some pictures at the gym, but they are a little "staged". I wanted the pictures to be taken in this shirt but I didn't want to actually work out in it as I still had to wear it the rest of the day. So here is me in my shirt:

I included this one mainly so you could look at the guy in red's muscles under my armpit.
I'm thoughtful that way :-)

For 47 - I'm A Happy Camper 

Ok so my point of posting this isn't really vanity (well...maybe a little...I worked hard and deserve to be a little proud of the way I look I think).

The point is...set goals and stick with them. If you really want it you can achieve what you want.

The goals don't need to be big ones. But they need to be there, they need to be real, and they need to be achievable.

So now it is time for me to set a new goal. This one isn't really weight related but if you believe that caffeine increases your metabolism it could be weight related.

I seriously need to cut back on coffee. It has gotten to the point that in spite of all my new found healthy habits I am now up to a minimum of three extra large coffees a day.

I quit cold turkey once and the headaches were so extreme I honestly thought I would throw up. After making it through the withdrawal I was stupid enough to start again (well..the reason for starting wasn't totally stupid...I was driving a very long drive in the car and was falling asleep...I needed the stimulant...still...I should have stopped drinking the coffee when the drive was done...or better yet...pulled over and slept).

I am not sure I am going to QUIT drinking coffee. I like it and I am not totally convinced it is bad for you. I am, however, going to start a coffee reduction program.

So...starting today, I am going down to two extra large coffees a day. Next Thursday I will go down to two large coffees a day and the following Thursday I will go down to one large coffee a day. I will decide if I wish to go further at that point. Depends on how grumpy I become. LOL

Wish me luck and be healthy!



Karen said...

Congrats once again - and the pics are great - thx for the guy in the red muscle shirt too!
Coffee is my downfall as well - probably 2 pots a day for me, at least I drink it black, and after lunch it is mostly decaf. I have tried to quit drinking coffee as well and the withdrawal was terrible, headaches were the worst. Not too sure if maybe trying a coffee substitute might be the answer, as I have never tried one before. As always, have a healthy week.
Take care my friend.

Unknown said...

You should see the face on the red muscle shirt guy. Looks like he is taken right off the cover of a romance novel.

Two pots of coffee? I have found my match!

Anthony said...

Alan- you look hot! Nice bod. Very nice- and the last pic with your hands on your hips- you look great!

Yes, be proud- you work very hard- you have a lot of heart, the way you train- it's a pleasure for me to see your progression, and your healthy consistant training!

Good on you!

Unknown said...

I owe so much to my two Mentors. You and Cindy at WW. I honestly don't know what I would do without the tow of you. It means so much that you are both such good friends of mine, and I love that your opinions don't always match. It allows me to see the different sides of the two pendulum swings so I can come to my own conclusions. Fortunately, 90% of the time your opinions do actually match though :-)

P.S. Nothing makes me happier than to hear a straight guy call me hot :-). I like the last pic and the one where I am holding one dumbell with the biceps showing.

Quade said...

You are very inspiring this way - you set a goal and you make it. Your resolve is very strong and I am inspired. Do you think if I set a few fitness goals, Mr. Red Shirt of the Romance Novel Face (I'm really attracted to his personality though...) will want to spot me on the bench?

Unknown said...

Well...I do know what bar he works at as a Bar Tender. Its a straight bar but he is an Actor so he could swing any way. I am guessing your way.

Anonymous said...

I tried giving up tea ONCE. Been there, will not do it again! The headaches were wicked.

Thanks for sharing the Red T-Shirt guy with us. Makes me almost want to join a gym - the word is ALMOST!

Congrats on the t-shirt. You looked really nice in it last night.

It was WORTH it wasn't it?!!!!!!
And you know who this is from!

Unknown said...

soooooooo worth it.