Monday, November 29, 2010


Are you avoiding doing what you need to do?

I have spent my entire morning doing everything imaginable except what I know I need to do.

Although the experience, for me, doesn't really apply to weight issues right now, it did get me thinking about the number of times I have avoided being healthy. Something as simple as a function that night or even two nights from now can be enough to convince myself that I might as well wait and restart things AFTER the function.

This time of year though, there is function after function after function. The kind of mentality I am speaking of can make you look back in January and say "what happened?!!!".

So the message is "Don't Delay....Start Today".

Be Healthy,



Quade said...

Ooh man, I might seem completely calm and collected on the surface, but I know I'm melting down inside when I'm avoiding things - the phone, my email, calling someone, seeing someone. First sign of unease, long before I get awareness of what exactly is bugging me. I have to remember not to beat myself up for avoiding things, procrastinating, because it's a sign that I'm unhappy or anxious.

Unknown said...

Yeah...problem is I have been avoiding what I need to do for months. It is administrative work crap but I have to buckle down and get it done. I don't want to start 2011 with it hanging over my head.

Love that we can still stay in touch with you now at the other end of the world :-)