Thursday, November 18, 2010

I need to have a more solid goal

Ok I am floundering. Not doing bad...just not doing. Not working TOWARD anything really.

I don't think goals were as meaningful to me in the past as they are now that I have started this blog. I almost seem to require them to move forward.

Ever since the "T-shirt Day" came and passed I have felt a little lost in my journey. Sure I have the coffee reduction goal to work on (its not going great) but that doesn't feel significant enough. I need something lasting, repetitive, sustainable, and rewarding.

The only I can think of now that weight isn't the absolute top priority, is to work on my physique.

So...I am going to photograph myself in shorts only (and not hiding the little love handles like I kind of did last June) every two months and post it on the blog.

This time it won't be about achieving a specific goal though. It will be about monitoring progress. The first picture I post will simply be a base line picture and then every two months after that I will post a current picture to determine if there is any change.

I will take the picture on the 11th of every other month (come one....I need to psyche up for this...can't do it yet) and will post the picture on the 12th. So I will post a picture December 12th, February 12th, April 12th, etc.

Every time I post a picture I will also post my December 12th picture (I better look good because that one will be there to stay), my current picture, and the picture from the time before.


December 12th you will see my December 11th Photo

February 12th you will see my December 11th Photo and my Feb 11th Photo

April 12th you will see my December 11th Photo my February 11th photo and my April 11th Photo

June 12th you will see my December 11th Photo, my April 11th Photo and my June 11th Photo (but the February one will drop off)

etc. etc.

Get it? Once it builds up to three photos it will remain at three photos each post.

I apologize for you having to subject you to seeing pictures of me in shorts and no shirt every two months, but I think if I do this as a permanent goal it is really going to push me to improve my physique. The abs and love handles especially. They really need work.

Consider yourself don't have to look at me in my underwear. If I ever get confident enough to do that then I can consider this plan a success because I would have to look damn fine. LOL

Wish me luck and be healthy!



Karen said...

You do have goals - to keep with your weight loss and maintenance. Perhaps another goal could be that when you return to England for your 50th birthday you take that little black shirt with you, to remind you of where you were on your journey when you purchased it, and how far you have progressed.
Take care my friend.

Unknown said...

Now that is an amazing idea! I should vow to wear it on the last day of my trip too!

Your right...I have goals...but I seemed to need goals with a date attached to them. It keeps me in line.

Hope you are well my friend!


cdp said...

Gosh - good for you brave man!