Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do your remember the way it used to be?

I went to a gym yesterday. I know that in itself is no surprise but I went to a different gym located out by a house I have listed for sale.

It was an interesting experience. The gym itself was very clean and well presented and the equipment was running ok. There wasn't really much I could complain about but the equipment was not as advanced as the equipment I have in my current gym.

As I was using the equipment it occurred to me that at one time...not that long ago....this WAS the equipment I had to work with and I thought it was just fine. It did the job. Not that great...but it did what I needed it to do.

Now that I have had the opportunity to experience the newer equipment, however, I realize how much more efficient it is. How much more I am able to do, and how truly limiting the old equipment was.

I think that once you start the journey toward health you go through a similar thing. You become more efficient...almost "reborn". You can do things you could not do before. Things a simple as cutting your own toenails. You are new.

The unfortunate thing is that we forget too easily where we have come from. We forget what life used to be like, and how much better we are now. We get frustrated because we are not where we want to be instead of seeing how far we have come.

I wish I could have the same experience I had at this gym with my own body. I wish, for one day (please universe...I said ONE DAY) I could go back to the old me so I could remember what it was like. I know I functioned...I probably recognized I wasn't totally efficient but I was able to do what had to be done. I was not, however, efficient. I didn't feel as good as I feel now and I couldn't function the way I can now. I have become the newer and more efficient equipment.

Am I perfect?  Heavens no...a long way to go...but I am so much better.

If you are on this journey with me stop and reflect on how much you HAVE accomplished instead of how far you have to go and give yourself a pat on the back.

If you haven't started the journey yet. Ask yourself why not? Do you really want to continue struggling to get even even the simplest things done. Do you really want to lack energy? You don't have to. The time to change it all is now...not later.

Ok...enough ranting. Those who read my Facebook page yesterday will know I had a chocolate meltdown. I went back and tracked my points allowance for Weight Watchers though and I am totally fine. I used my 35 extra points as well as activity points but I am still "on plan". It was a totally permitted indulgence. Soooo...from a weight loss issue. From a nutrition/health perspective...I do regret doing it.

We are all permitted to indulge, but it was silly nonsensical indulgence.

I am not going to beat myself up for it. Just live and learn.

Today is a new day with a new beginning.

Be healthy!



cdp said...

inspirational as always - I am at the halfway point now and the remaining weight that I 'd like to lose does feel a bit impossible (having said that - it's Sunday morning and I'm treating myself to a croissant ....)
need to get in the game!!!
Love as alwys

Anonymous said...

The way it used to be for me was that I would get to work, sit down with my coffee and read your blog before I got buried in my day of work. Now the webgods have decided that you are "Social networking" and I can't even get to it. I click and get the full screen warning that this site is restricted!
So, I have to find the time to take a look at home, and that isn't easy. Very good topic today and I can definitely relate to how I used to get through, especially my exercise before the loss and how much easier it is now. The early mornings are still no treat, but I know how much good it does and it is so worth it!
Mys. WW

Unknown said...

Hey there anon! Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Can you access me from ?

The blog is actually two days old. I missed two days of bloggin but will be back tomorrow. I have to be.