Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mrs. Conway Had It Right

When I was a kid there was a lady on the street named Mrs. Conway.

I suspect there were rules surrounding it, but we were always a little jealous of the Conway kids because every day after dinner they got a sweet.

I think it was something very little (like maybe a candy) but we never got a daily treat. I wanted one.

I realize now that this may, perhaps, be the secret to success and health.

Simply allow yourself something small on a regular basis and keep your palette satisfied. If it is not satisfied you will crave foods and that is an open invitation for the binging to begin.

Like many things in life, the key is moderation. It is a lesson I never learned.

I wish I had, as "excess" is a very hard lesson to unlearn.

Mrs. Conway and her family moved to Scotland when I was around ten years old, and sadly, she has now passed away.

We have never lost contact with the family though, and one of her daughters even posts on this blog from bonnie Scotland.

Here is to you Mrs. Conway!

You were not only wise, you are missed.

My words of the advice for the day are based on this lesson. Treat yourself regularly, but not excessively.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

I totally agree. We rarely had 'treats' in the house when I was a kid and when they did show up it was a free for all.
I just got back from having lunch with my son, as I had to take him out of school for a trip to the dentist. He asked for Wendys' which was fine but I had all ready eaten lunch becuase I planned my meal and had all that I wanted at home. I took him and decided to treat myself to a small frosty while he had his disgusting Baconator combo. We were chatting as it is rare that we are actually alone together and I barely had half of the frosty. He was done and asked for some of it so I happily gave him the rest of it. I now only have to count half the points that I had planned for and didn't miss any of it. I have learned that I am quite happy with just a bite of a treat, I don't need the whole thing.
He has now had more than my days worth of points in one sitting but at his age and with all the working out he does, its not going to matter for him.
Have a great week...we missed you last night.
M. WW.

Unknown said...

Not sure which I am more impressed with. The fact that you ordered a SMALL Frosty or the fact that you only had half!

Just got back from a two year olds birthday party...too much cake

cdp said...

Ha ha - what you didn't know then was that "greedy guts" (me) never thought that one sweet was enough!!! And guess why I was always jealous of you guys - cos where we had porridge for breakfast - you had Pop-tarts in your kitchen cupboards!!! The grass is always greener!
Thank you for the lovely memories btw - you are a star!!!

Unknown said...

Pop-Tarts in our cupboard. Kind of says it all doesn't it?