Friday, November 12, 2010

Mental Adjustments Are Hard

I am struggling with the mental adjustment I am making regarding food.

Earlier in the week I stated that I was going to focus on health and not weight loss. I am doing as I said, for the most part, but it is harder than I thought.

I play so many mind games with myself. I panicked yesterday morning as I realized that the holidays are coming up. I started convincing myself I need to lose weight now to prepare.

I don't want to send the wrong message here because it you are in weight loss mode you probably DO need to lose weight now to prepare.

If I am truly trying to find "balance" though I have to stop thinking that way. I have to be balanced now, and I have to be balanced during the holidays.

Frankly, it scares me. It means putting total faith in the fact that I can do this. It is particularly hard to convince myself I can do this because I went to a Birthday Party for a two year old last night and had Birthday Cake. Two pieces.

I can do this.

I am not going to focus on weight loss. I will keep my eye on the scale and adjust accordingly but will not go "down" so that I am able to "go up" over the holidays.

You may think I am being silly but the adjustment really is freaking me out a bit.

Deep breaths.

Be healthy,



cdp said...

Alan - I think that you have to allow yoursef to eat cake - after all, what is it all about otherwise? The secret is "not the whole cake" - he he ...

Unknown said...

I was sooooo close to eating the whole cake. Fortunately so many people now I am on a health kick now that I know the eyes are on me :-)