Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sometimes You Have To Face The Music

Avoidance gets you in trouble. That is the lesson of the day.

Blog followers may remember that when I returned from Mexico, I guestimated that I had gained about 12 pounds on vacation. A lot I know...but not the absolute end of the world.

I knew I was going to have to miss the next WW meeting at my normal centre for logistical reasons, but vowed to find another centre in Toronto to weigh in at. I didn't do this.

I didn't weigh in at the next two WW meetings either. I knew I was "up" and didn't want to face the music.

I kept saying to myself "I will weigh in next week after I have lost a few".

At last weeks meeting a few people asked me how my week went (including my leader). I told everyone I hadn't weighed in yet but would weigh in before I left. I knew in my heart this wasn't going to happen.

I was really good for a little while with my P90X adventure (which is going to restart) but I quickly fell off the wagon again.

So yesterday I decided enough was enough and I was going to force myself to face the music. I stepped on the scale at WW last night.

I think my guestimate that I had gained 12 pounds in Mexico was right, but by not actually stepping on a scale and facing this reality I managed to pack on an additional 7 pounds in the next three weeks. So here I sit...up 19 pounds since I left for Mexico.

How do I feel about it? Physically I feel gross...but that is not from the news that I gained 19 pounds, that is from eating crap.

Emotionally I am not upset...I am actually relieved.

Obviously I am not relieved that I gained that much weigh, but I am relieved that I now know my reality and am facing it.

The good thing about a lifestyle change is that there is no dreaded feeling of going back to a "diet". I simply have to go back to the way I should be eating in the first place. will take a while to lose it again...but this is a life long journey. I am hoping I have plenty of time left.

Be Healthy!



Anthony said...

well unusual that you missed a day of blogging, and haven't today yet - good that you aren't beating yourself up too much - just a side note, that sounds like NLP, about the word 'should', as in I need to go back to eating the way I should. Should really is a loaded word, judgement, guilt and possibly shame are in it. Growing up Roman Catholic I am still working on dropping useless guilt and shame, and have for the most part dropped "should". Let's say all you have to do is go back to eating your new normal way. or back to eating the way that supports your body's health. ANYTHING but 'should' :-)

Unknown said...

Blog is still to come today. Just a bit busy.
You are absolutely right as always...."should" is hereby officially abolished :-)