Tuesday, March 22, 2011

News From The Invalid

Ok...I am hardly an invalid...but I did pull my back out..it sucks.

Today is better than yesterday so tomorrow will be even better still. Walking around actually isn't to bad as long as I don't stop doing it.

If I stay still for a period of time, then getting the body to work again is pure agony.

I guess I am getting a taste of what it is like to NOT be able to exercise.

I don't like it. I am already trying to figure out what I can safely do...but don't worry...I will do no exercise today. Tomorrow...maybe.

I think I have come to the conclusion that I am very patient with others but have little patience with myself. I want everything now!

I want to be able to exercise...I want my weight back off NOW...and I want to stop doing the yo yo thing.

Someday things have to stabilize...don't they?

A good friend of mine commented that there may actually be something in the past that is haunting me. I seem to be able to take myself sooooo close to a new lifestyle and then I do something to sabotage it. It is almost like I purposely sabotage myself.

The question is...why?

He is going to take me to an angel next week to find out why....that is the honest to goodness truth.

Will explain more next week.

Be healthy!


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