Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Feeling Good....That's Dangerous!

I feel good today.

Last night my clients got a great price for their property and that makes me real happy.

On the Weight Watcher ads currently appearing, Jennifer Hudson (who looks fabulous no matter what she weighs but is an inspiration on so many levels) sings "It's a new dawn, it's a new's a new life...for me...and I'm feeling good".

Feeling good can swing both ways.

When you are feeling good because you are eating keeps you motivated to KEEP eating well.

When you aren't eating well to begin with...but your feeling good...that's dangerous.

Stress eating and happy eating are both dangerous territory.

Yesterday I was in danger of stress eating, but I managed pretty good...not great...bur pretty good.

Today I am in danger of happy eating.

What can I do about it?

I think there are really only two things I can do:

1) Track every single thing that goes in my mouth (and by the just need a pen and paper to do don't have to be on WW so if your not on WW but you are in the same position as me...I think you still need to track what you eat).
2) Be aware. Just the knowledge that you are in danger territory will sometimes keep you out of trouble.

My goal today is to do both. Wish me luck, and....

Be healthy!


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