Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Returning To Balance

Yesterday was an OK day. I am not going to pretend it was a great day as I don't even think I ate a piece of fruit or a vegetable, but I did get back to normal portion size and I stayed within my allowable WW points.

I am considering yesterday and today transition days.

When you eat too many carbs for too many days I think your body starts to crave them in excess and there are only two ways to turn it around:

1) Transition out of if by eating fewer carbs each day.
2) Go cold turkey and cut out carbs for a couple of days.

Normally I would go for option 2, but normally I am more motivated.

I am going for option one this time and transitioning myself back to health. I am going to be out of the house from about 10:30AM until I hit the bed tonight which makes it harder, but I am determined to at least track and stay within my allowable point range.

Making sure I get the proper level of fruits and vegetables will begin tomorrow.

I'm getting there.

One thing that is really proving to work for me is the bi-monhtly picture I have committed to posting of me in shorts only, no matter what, on the 12th day of ever other month. April 12th will be here before I know it and the fear of having to post a picture of myself going in the wrong direction is snapping me back into shape.

If I don't smarten up now, I will be in trouble on photo day.

It just goes to show that goals publicly can influence behaviour.

Be healthy!


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