Sunday, March 6, 2011

Smack Me Into Shape Please

Hi all!

First of all I want to thank you for your emails yesterday and your posts on this blog and Facebook. It was not only much needed, it confirmed for me that people actually are reading this blog! LOL

Anyway, you helped me over a major hurdle yesterday. Thanks to you I have realized that the decision as to whether or not to proceed with my pursuit of the designation of Certified Nutritional Practitioner is not an "all or nothing" scenario. I will just take courses that interest me, when I have the time to take them, and let life unfold. It sure takes the pressure off.

Now I need your help AGAIN.

The process I just went through was a necessary one, but, sadly, when I went through it every old habit in the book came back and I ate my way through it...and I mean ATE my way through it. I had chocolate bars (yes plural), Nacho Chips, Coke, Pizza, Ketchup Chips and god knows what else. I didn't have them in the house....I actually went out and bought them and/or ordered in. It was like I was on auto-pilot....I wasn't even thinking about what I was doing to myself...until last night when I started feeling totally disgusting.

So now I have to pick myself up and start again. All that work on my P90X program and I am back to day 1.

There is only one shred of good news in this and that is that I am not beating myself up. I am so relieved to have gone through the decision making process that I am feeling positive.

It just means that I am...once again...starting over....sigh.

What a journey this is indeed. Please send positive health vibes.

Be healthy!



cdp said...

I just LOVE your honesty Alan! You know that you will be able to pick yourself up and start all over again - I am back on track and you will be too!

Take care Sweetie!


Unknown said...

I am sooooo glad we are not all off track at the same time anymore...that is scary! My stomach feels like it is about to roll somewhere....let's hope it decides to roll onto the track!