Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hungry Day Fell On A Saturday

For those of you who are not Weight Watcher members but still read my blog, I apologize for the focus on WW and point tracking this week, but I think focusing in on exactly how I am tracking for one week will help me.

After this week I will try to get back to more general topics but will still post my tracker daily, as promised, until February 10th.

Yesterday was a hungry day. I have posted about these before.

I think all of us, whether we are trying to lose weight or not, hit a day (or more) every now and then where we want to eat and eat and eat and eat. I call these hungry days.

Yesterday I woke up hungry. I went to Tim Horton's for my morning "pre-gym" coffee but ended up getting a breakfast sandwich instead. It was an egg white one, with ham and cheese on a whole wheat English Muffin so hardly the end of the world.

The real issue was that I was hungry all day.

Usually when this happens I eat everything in site until I feel like I am ready to puke. Yesterday, however, I ate a large volume of food but I was a tad more controlled.

I increased my fruit intake during the day (zero points) which helped a lot and I tried to eat consistently throughout the day rather than consuming vast volumes of food all at once.

At dinner time I did over indulge, but it felt good because it was a "conscious and aware" state of indulgence.

Our friend Tim made a really good Indian dish for us called Kichdi. It is really quite healthy and only about 4 points a serving. I estimate I ate three servings but that still only added up to 12 points for dinner which wasn't bad at all.

Although many of you may think I blew it with my next statement I really don't think I did.

I ate three HUGE slices of sourdough bread with the Kichdi and I think this is the equivalent of six slices of bread. I also had two 5 oz glasses of wine (yes...I actually measured my wine). These two items added 23 points to my 12 point dinner so at the end of the day I had a 35 point dinner.

The wonderful thing, however, was that I didn't feel out of control at all. I knew it would mean that this particular Saturday was a very high point day, but I also knew that I had the points to spare and I was fully aware of where I was spending them.

I haven't always been a big fan of counting points for everything one eats but I must admit that counting the points, and knowing exactly where I stood, gave me the freedom to eat without guilt. It actually gave me freedom.

So I had a 62 point day when my daily point allowance is 38 points, but at the end of the day I still have 26 "fun" points remaining in my basket and if I exercise more I can increase that amount.

As Martha Stewart would say: "It's a good thing". 

Be healthy!



Pamela said...

I was so hungry last night I could have eaten the couch! I actually said that to someone last night. I had eaten really well and counted everything and had nothing left in points to eat. So, I did not, but it was a battle. I got up this morning and I was fine, and I am glad I did not give in. Even after all this time and all this weight loss, there are some days that are easier than others.

Unknown said...

Yep...there are always tough days. I think the zero point fruits got me through the day yesterday. Good for you for getting through! :-)