Thursday, January 19, 2012

Down 3.3 Pounds!

Well...the plan worked. I weighed in at Weight Watchers yesterday and I was down 3.3 pounds! For those of you who followed my blog last week you know I was still able to have fun while doing it.

I must admit that although I always say I prefer the version of their plan where you don't have to count every point you put in your mouth (and I think I still do), counting points, once you get into it, can actually be kind of fun and it really doesn't take that long. As long as you do your best to pay attention to the health guidelines you can play with your points and actually get a bit creative. It feels good knowing that you can succeed, that you can have fun, and that having control can actually give you freedom to enjoy your treats.

I do have to admit that yesterday I was abysmal at following the health guidelines. I fell into the trap of not wanting to eat too much before I weighed in so although I did have a light breakfast and lunch, things like the snack fruits kind of got ignored for the day.

I had a Real Estate listing appointment after the Weight Watcher's meeting so dinner ended up being a 6" Turkey Breast Subway Sandwhich (by the careful with those....if you put cheese etc. on them, the points can add up pretty quickly...I'm not saying don't eat them...but if you really crave something like a Burger and you pick the Subway sandwich just to be "good", you may find the points are the same).

I can't say I was particularly healthy yesterday but I have been reasonably healthy all week, I took my multi-vitamin everyday, and I stayed on track points-wise.

The Weight Watcher's daily points calculation is based on a number of factors and one of those factors is weight. My weight has dropped and as a result my daily point allowance has now dropped by one point too. So as of today I am allowed 37 points a day.

To be honest this is totally cool. I know women get fewer points and in 2011, before they tweaked the program a bit, I only had 34 points. I am am pretty lucky in terms of my point allowance, and the fact that I exercise a lot provides me with additional activity points. This leaves me with extra room to play.

One week of tracking down and onto week number two :-)

Be healthy!


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