Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blow Dry Your Hair before weighing in

Ok. I just weighed in at Weight Watchers.

I was pretty sure I would be "up" following my vacation and post vacation nibbles, but I also expected that I was not up by very much.

Before going to Weight Watchers I made my daily journey to the gym.

As I was towelling off post-shower, it occurred to the warped little brain I have that all that water in my hair felt particularly heavy.

Now I never blow dry my hair but I was going to be damned if that excess water was going to add to my weight on the scale!

I know...I is ludicrous....but tell me you have never done anything similar.

Anyway, the blow drying the hair clearly worked because I was down . 4 pounds! (that is "point 4" not "4").

I don't care how I attained it. I am a happy camper.

Be healthy!


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