Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Friday Night On Weight Watchers

Weekends can be tough for me as I tend to equate food with fun.

Last night our friends Karen and Ian asked Jamie, Joni, and I if we wanted to go out for Indian Food. I want to be successful on Weight Watchers, but not at the expense of enjoying my life so the answer was a definitive "yes!".

I was at a bit of an advantage as I had had two glasses of wine and three pints of beer the night prior and as a result had no desire for alcohol last night. I had also had a low point breakfast and lunch so I had 25 WW points I could go out to dinner with and that is a fair bit.

Nonetheless, wanting to stay on track I went to the Weight Watchers website and looked up their suggestions for eating out at Indian Restaurants.

They suggested Tandoon baked meals or something with a Dahl Sauce. I ended up choosing Spinach Dahl, one piece of Naan bread, Rice and Tea. My friend Ian ordered these small sweet dessert balls and I ate half of one of them. Dinner was good and the company was great.

I wasn't sure how to count the points for Spinach Dahl, and it didn't show up on the Weight Watcher's site when I searched for it, so I google a "non-diet" version online and used the nutritional information on that to figure it out.

When I added up the dinner it came to 25 points which was exactly the amount I had room for so I lucked out.

I also went to the gym yesterday and earned 5 activity points I can bank for future use.

So far so good.

Be healthy!


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